August's Sermons

Church Period: Sexagesima Sunday
Sermon Title: Dangers - Even For Those Who Hear God's Word
Sermon Date: February 27, 2000
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Luke 8:4-15

Dear Christian friends:

It may come as a surprise or a shock to us to learn that there are dangers involved even when we come to a church service. One may well think that at church a person would have the greatest spiritual security.

A mother may sit back with a smug, satisfied feeling when she sees her daughter-in-law and son are attending church regularly. She may feel that they are in no danger as long as they go to church.

However, in our text Jesus warns us not to be so naive and He presents to us some dangers or temptations that are common and unique to those who hear God's Word.

So on the basis of our text, which is the Gospel Lesson for this Sunday, allow me to speak to you of

Dangers - Even For Those Who Hear God's Word

I. The first danger is that we might allow Satan to steal the Word out of our heart before it can be effective in us.

In our text Jesus begins to explain the parable of the farmer sowing his seed. He says, "This is the meaning of the parable: The seed is the word of God. Those along the path are the ones who hear, and then the devil comes and takes away the word from their hearts, so that they may not believe and be saved. (verses 11-12)

A. Apparently the devil also comes to church and may cause us to not give attention to the Word so that we really do not remember it for long. By the time we arrive home we can't even remember what the lessons were or the topic of the sermon and it's applications for our life. Have you every thought of what it is that you are thinking about when you are not listening to the sermon? How you might witness to the neighbor next-door? Yeah! Sure! Probably having a fantasy about a lush or a hunk who lives across the street! Isn't it frightening what Satan can get us to think about.

1. Even though we may listen well and carefully the devil may tempt us to disbelieve the Word. The Bible tells us that human reason, "The natural man cannot receive the things of the Spirit of God for they are foolishness to him." (1 Corinthians 2:14) The doctrines of the Holy Trinity, the incarnation of the Son of God and the real presence of the body and blood of the Lord in the Sacrament are all beyond human understanding and so seem foolish and stupid to our natural reason. So it's not difficult etc.

1. Also our human pride does not want to believe the Biblical doctrine of the total depravity of natural man. The doctrines of original sin, the blood atonement by the Son of God, heaven and hell all seem totally repugnant to proud, arrogant mankind. The devil tempts us to think that we are not so bad that God must take such drastic measures to effect our salvation. George Bernard Shaw, the great English play write once said, " I do not need Jesus Christ to die for my sins. If I sin, I should be man enough to suffer the consequences myself."

B. The danger is that we hear these great teachings of the Bible, but discount them and make light of them. Oh, we may suffer our pastor to preach them because they are in the Book and they lend a certain excitement to the sermons. But we don't really take them to heart and act upon them in our daily lives. Our disinterest in supporting church and missions our little or no activity in witnessing and personal evangelism is proof of this.

Summary: Beware of Satan when you who hear God's Word! Many don't give Satan his due, but Jesus certainly does here in this parable.

II. The second danger is that we hear these great doctrines of God's Word, but don't believe them long enough and well enough.

Jesus says in our text, "Those on the rock are the ones who receive the word with joy when they hear it, but they have no root. They believe for a while, but in time of testing they fall away." (verse 13)

A. These are the hearers who think that Sunday School and confirmation ends all further serious Bible study. After confirmation they close their Bible and never look at the Catechism again. They think they have it made as far as studying God's word is concerned. True, they may attend the 11:00 o'clock church service fairly regularly, but they wouldn't be caught dead in the Bible Class or teaching a Sunday School class. And the Bible at home is used as an ornament or charm, and a place to store memorable letters, cards and papers.

B. Such infants in Christian knowledge are easy prey to Satan when they are tested by illness, loses and other adversities. They will think, and Satan will encourage them to think, that God has forsaken them; that their sin is so great that God can't possibly care for them or forgive them anymore. Or they may think, with Satan's suggestion, that God is not a loving God since He allows such calamities to happen. In despair they fall away and either curse God or try to forget Him. Or they may become members of some unchristian sect or religion.

Summary: He that has ears to hear, let him take heed to this second danger of having no root in the Word! Transition: There may be some who naively think that these first two warnings do not apply to them. However, the third warning misses none, not even the most naive.

III. The third danger is that while we may hear the word long and well our faith is "choked" by life's worries, riches and pleasures, and so produce no crop.

Jesus says, "The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life's worries, riches and pleasures and they do not mature. (verse 14)

A. These "thorns" that choke the Christians faith and prevent a person from "maturity" that is from producing the fruits of faith, are of two kinds as Jesus enumerates them here in the parable.

1. First He mentions "life's worries." These are the hearers who really don't trust God to provide for all the necessities of life. Instead of relaxing and waiting on God to provide they become anxious and stressed thinking it all depends on their wisdom, work and planning. They become weary working 60-80 hours a week. Both spouses feel they need to be working. They have no time to serve as officers or on committees at church or school etc. They do not really believe Jesus' promise when He says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things (these necessities) will be added unto you." (Matthew 6:33) These people really serve mammon rather than God.

2. The second "thorn" that chokes faith, Jesus says, is "riches and pleasures." Instead of counting Jesus Christ their treasure and pleasure these hearers look to the world for it. And although they may have excellent knowledge of God's word, they do not find joy and pleasure in it. In their profession or business financial success they feel little need of God and His Son, so faith is choked-off and they bear no fruits. These may still come to church quite regularly but their church-going has become a formality which they do without real joy and enthusiasm. These may even hold offices in the congregation and serve on committees, but their motivation is not love for Jesus and their purpose is not the glory of God.

Summary: So, just because we come to church is no guarantee that we really are pleasing God. Of the church-going Jews God said: "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from me." (Matthew 15:8)

B. We certainly do not wish to discourage anyone from coming to church. That is not at all the intention of Jesus' parable here.

1. He merely gives the warning so that each of us may examine his or her own heart and repent where it is needed. As my mother uses to say: "If the shoe fits, put it on." I don't know about you, but I must confess with shame and regret that the shoe fits!

2. We have failed to be good hearers when we come into God's house and so also we have failed to bring forth the "crop" of which Jesus speaks regarding the seed that fell "on good soil." (verse 15) But thank God, Jesus did not fail to hear His heavenly Father's Word. Jesus did not let Satan steal His heavenly Father's Word from His heart. Jesus had deep roots into the Father's Word so that when He was tested in Gethsemane He did not fail to go to Calvary and there die for our failures and the whole world's failures. Jesus did not let the thorns of life's worries and the thorns of riches and pleasures choke off His faith in His Father's plan to save the world. Jesus who always perfectly heard His Father's commands is now our righteousness through faith in Him. In that faith we are the good soil which "stands for those with a noble heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop." (verse 15)

Conclusion: May God grant us such a redeeming faith in His Son Jesus Christ and may He help us to be the kind of hearers He in grace and mercy and for Jesus' sake declares us to be.
