Dear Christian friends:
The President of the United States has again proclaimed
this day a special day of thanksgiving. President Reagan
has urged our people to offer thanks to God for the many
blessings given our nation this year.
Therefore we have gathered here today on this special
day with our Christian friends to thank and praise God
for His blessings on our nation.
To guide us in this special thanksgiving I have chosen
a text from St. Paul's letter to the Ephesians. Paul
writes: "Give thanks always for all things unto God the
Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ." (5:20) In
this verse St. Paul presents the basic ideas of
thanksgiving. So I want to preach to you about the topic
The Basics Of Thanksgiving
"Give thanks always." Christians should thank God everyday,
"always," not only once a year on Thanksgiving Day. Daily
we Christians thank and praise our wonderful God, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. Also every Sunday we thank and praise
God in church worship service. When we come to the Lord's
Supper we thank and praise God for Jesus our Savior.
Another name for the Lord's Supper is "Eucharist." That
means what? It is a Greek word meaning thanksgiving. Before
we eat the bread and wine we say a prayer of thanksgiving.
(Read it!) Yes, we Christians thank God everyday and every
Sunday, but today we have a special thanksgiving day to
thank God chiefly for the good crops, the bountiful harvest
and other blessings He has with great mercy poured down on
our nation again this year.
Christians thank God "always" and on special days like today.
This is the first basic rule of thanksgiving from St. Paul
here in our text. And now we take up the second basic rule
of thanksgiving. What is that?
Paul says, "Give thanks always for all things." Christians
thank God for all things, both the good and the bad things.
Christians thank God when sick and when well. We thank God
for good things, but do we thank Him for the bad? Hard
times are God's way of strengthening His children so that
they grow stronger in faith. God often permits hard times
to happen to us because He loves us.
Often we think God doesn't care or that He hates us in bad
times. But the Bible says, "The Lord corrects him whom He
loves and chastises every son whom He receives." (Hebrews 12:6)
George Matheson wrote this:
"My God, I have never thanked Thee for my thorn. I have
thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses, but not once
for my thorns. I have been looking forward to a world
where I shall get compensation for my cross, but I have
never thought of my cross as itself a present glory . . . .
Teach me the glory of my cross, teach me the value of my
thorn. Show me that I have climbed to Thee by the path
of pain. Show me that my tears have made my rainbow."
Paul was a better Christian because God gave him a certain
sickness in his body, his "thorn in the flesh."
(2 Corinthians 12:7) From "Understanding Suffering," by
B.W. Woods, "So we Christians thank God for "all things,"
good things and bad things. We thank God for our "thorns"
as well as for our "roses."
This year in our nation many people were laid-off from
their jobs. Now unemployment is almost 11%. Our nation is
in a deep depression. We are suffering a "thorn" in our
nation, an economic thorn. God wants to teach us something
by letting us have economic problems. Maybe God wants to
teach us to be more humble and rejoice in Him and not so
much happy about riches. Thank God today for our depression!
In poverty our faith and spirit can look to God easier then
in good times!
Yet God has not forsaken us. Again this year our U.S. farmers
have a large harvest of crops: wheat, corn, soy beans, beef
and hogs, turkeys and fruits and vegetables. Our stores are
full of plenty fine foods. We have a huge surplus of wheat,
corn, milk and cheese. That is a "rose." Thank God for that
Yes, thank God today for "all things" that have happened to
our nation this year. Thank Him for our nation this year.
Thank Him for the good as well as for the bad. We need
Let us today also thank God for His blessings on our
congregation Pilgrim Lutheran Church for the Deaf. God has
permitted us to gather here each Sunday and on special days
to hear His Word and join in the Holy Supper that our faith
and love can live and grow. Also He gave us a special
blessing in the Pony Express program which we have just
finished. Let us give thanks for every Route Rider, every
Trail Boss and every worker in the Pony Express. Let us
give thanks to God for every person who had love and faith
and wrote their estimate for 1983. Let us give thanks for
this growth of faith, love and service in our congregation!
Yes, give thanks always for all things. Those are the first
and second basic rules of thanksgiving. Now we see the third
and last rule. What is that?
Give thanks unto God the Father in the name of our Lord
Jesus Christ. Many people today will thank God, but some will
not thank Him in "Jesus' name." Why? They don't believe that
Jesus is the Son of God and only Savior for sinners. They
don't believe in the Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy
Spirit. God will not accept their thanksgiving.
God accepts our praise and thanks when we pray in Jesus' name.
Why? We are sinners and can't pray to God or go near to God
with our sins. But in Jesus God shows mercy to us and forgives
all our sins. If we believe in Jesus, then God accepts our
prayers, praises and thanksgiving. Through faith in Jesus God
is our dear Father and we are His dear children. Therefore He
is pleased to hear our prayers and to receive our praise and
thanks. Give thanks in Jesus' name! That is the third basic
rule of thanksgiving.
"Give thanks always, for all things. Give thanks to God the
Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."