Dear Christian friends:
On T.V. or at the movies we often see previews of coming shows. They
show the previews so people will become interested and plan to see the
movie or program a week or two later on.
In our text God has a preview for us. God wants us to become interested
about a very wonderful future event. God wants us to get ready for
that event and to wait for it with eagerness and joy. What is God's
preview here in our text?
A Preview Of Heaven
We read in our text that "Jesus took Peter James and John with Him
to a high mountain place. No one else was there. Suddenly His face began
to shine, and His clothes became dazzling white, much more white than any
one on earth can make." (verses 2-3)
Here Jesus shows His glory, just as we will see Him in heaven. In
heaven we also will have changed, new bodies, full of glory. Our bodies
will not become old or sick or die in heaven. They will be very beautiful
forever. We also read in our text that the three disciples now saw Elijah
and Moses talking to Jesus. They also had beautiful bodies full of glory.
Moses lived 1500 years before and died. Elijah lived about 850 years
before Christ and went to heaven in a fiery chariot. (Old Testament
Lesson for Today) Elijah did not die, but his body had become old and
weak. Now it was changed and beautiful as our bodies will be when we go
into God's heavenly Kingdom.
In our text we read that Elijah and Moses talked to Jesus. But it
does not say what they talked about. Luke also writes about this event
and he says that they talked about Jesus' death which He will soon suffer
at Jerusalem according to God's plan. (Luke 9:31)
In heaven we will talk much about Jesus' suffering and death. That
will be the one, big, and constant talk in heaven.
We will worship and thank and praise Jesus because He loved us and gave
His life so that we can have forgiveness of sins and come into His happy
kingdom full of glory and share His love and peace with all God's holy
people. All false and evil things will be gone; only the true and good
things will be there. Our hearts will be full with praise and songs to
God the Father and to Jesus the Son. The hymn writer helps us to sing
praises to Jesus now as we shall in heaven forever:
Jesus, high, enthroned in glory,
There forever to abide!
All the heavenly hosts adore Thee,
Seated at Thy Father's side.
Worship, honor, power and blessing
Thou art worthy to receive;
Loudest praises, without ceasing,
Right it is for all to give.
(TLH 367 Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus - Hymn)
God's preview of heaven we see here in our text. Why does God give us
this preview of heaven? That we may be strengthened. God wants to support
our faith and hope while we live here and serve Him in this wicked, sinful
The three disciples, Peter, James and John needed to be strengthened.
In a few days they will see their Lord in deepest shame and humiliation.
He will not seem like the Son of God and Savior He claimed to be. Three
times Peter will lie and say he does not know Jesus. Judas will betray Him,
and all the other disciples will forsake Him. The three disciples need
this preview of heaven's glory, so that they can look back during troubles
and temptations and receive support for their faith.
We, too, like these three disciples need support for our faith. During
times of sickness, losses, and death it does not seem that God loves us or
cares about us. Yes, it seems to us that He punishes us and forsakes us
in our trouble and sorrow. Also our congregation has many problems and
troubles. It seems that the devil, the unbelievers and our sinful heart
are winning the struggle. Our congregation is small and not growing. Our
Synod has much controversy and financial problems.
Not enough pastors for all of our churches. We see on T.V. and read in the
newspapers about much crookedness in government and business. We are tempted
to give-up the fight and despair. We ask, "Why try to do right? We can't
Because we are often weak and have such temptations our faith needs
support, needs to become more strong. That is why God gives us this preview
of heavenly glory. He wants us to see and remember the goal, the victory
and the rest at the end of the world. He promises, "Be faithful unto death
and I will give you the crown of life." (Rev.3:10)
We should be like Moses who kept his eye on the heavenly goal and
therefore he had strong faith to suffer through much trouble to serve
God: "He (Moses) thought it was better to suffer for the promised Christ
than to own all the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking forward to the
great reward that God would give him." (Hebrews 11:26)
And the Bible tells us to copy Jesus: "Keep your eyes on Jesus, our
leader and instructor. He was willing to die a shameful death on the cross
because of the joy He knew would be His afterwards; and now He sits in the
place of honor by the throne of God." (Hebrews 12:2)
We, too, know about the joy that will be ours afterwards, because God
here has given us a preview of heaven. Don't forget that, and you will have
strong faith to suffer through all temptations and storms of life.