Dear Christian friends:
We all know this story about the Pharisee and the
Publican very well. Luke tells us that Jesus told this
parable to "certain which trusted in themselves that they
were righteous and despised others." (verse 9) So this
lesson is chiefly for the proud and self-righteous.
But we have decided to preach it to you today. Do
you need it? Are you also proud and self-righteous? Do you
look down on others and think yourself better than they
are. When you read in the newspaper about someone cheating
on their income tax do you think, "I would never do that."
Or when you hear about someone going away with another man's
wife, do you think you are better." When certain church
members do not come to church regularly and do not help and
support the church do you complain about them and think
yourself better than they are?
If you are honest, you will confess that you often
think yourself better than other people. We easily trust in
our self-righteousness and compare ourselves with others,
despising them. This lesson is for you. You need it and I
need it.
In this lesson Jesus teaches that God justifies
sinners, not good people or self-righteous. The important
verse is verse fourteen where Jesus says that the Publican
(bad sinner) went home justified. This is a very wonderful
God Justifies Sinners
Let's think about that today. Jesus says, "Two men
went into the church to pray one was a Pharisee (good man)
and the other was Publican (bad man). They both prayed and
they they left and went home. But surprise! Jesus says the
bad man went home justified and the good man went home not
Did God make a mistake? Many people will say that.
But God never makes a mistake. He judges the bad man and
finds him perfectly righteous. How come? You perhaps say,
"The bad man was sorry and so God forgave him, but the good
man was not sorry." But that is not why God can forgive a
bad man. Many people think that. They say, "God is love.
God is good and kind. God is merciful. He will forgive me
if I confess my sins and tell him that I am sorry. That
is partly true, but that is not the full story.
People often forget that God is holy also exact and
perfect, "I am the almighty God walk before me and be
perfect." (Genesis 17:1) "Ye must be holy for I the Lord
your God am holy." "Cursed is everyone that continues not in
all the things written in the book of the law."
God is perfect and holy and can't wink at our sin or
forgive without someone paying. He must punish all law
breakers and sinners. The same as a judge in our city.
(Illustrate) God is more strict than any of our judges.
Someone much pay.
In his prayer the Publican shows that he knows who
paid. He says God be merciful to me a sinner." The Greek
word here is not "be merciful" but "make peace with me."
How does God make peace with sinners? Through Jesus Christ.
Paul says, "God was in Christ reconciling the world unto
Himself not imputing (changing) their transgressions unto
them." God was in Jesus making the world at one with
Himself. "God hath peace made Him (Jesus) to be sin for us."
(2 Corinthians 5:21) On the cross Jesus paid for all the
world, all people's sins.
That is why God can forgive sinners. But if Jesus
had not died for us God couldn't forgive us although He
pities us and loves us. So when you confess your sins, as
you do again today at the Lord's Table, remember being
sorry is not enough. Believe that Jesus Christ lived and
died to pay for your sins. Believe that you here eat Jesus'
body and drink His blood given unto death for your sins.
This is most important.
The Bible says, "Without the shedding of blood
there is no forgiveness of sins." (Hebrews 9:22) Without
Jesus Christ and His cross there is no forgiveness. But
thank God because in His wisdom sent His Son to pay for
our sins, and not only for ours but for all people.
Well if that is true that Jesus died for all, why
does the Pharisee here go home without forgiveness and
peace? Jesus said, "He trusted in himself that he was
righteous." (verse 9) He refused Jesus Christ. Didn't
believe that God's Son must pay for him. He hid his sins,
said he had no sin and looked down on others.
Many people do that today. Even we Christians often
forget and act proudly and crabbily and show displeasure
with others and their faults. Husbands and wives, church
members. We easily become displeased with someone else and
quickly criticise and condemn him or her and act so good
and perfect, even lie and hide our sins. (Husband who
thinks his wife is lazy is more lazy himself)
But let us remember that we are all sinners before
God like this Publican. Let us know that although we are
sinful God loved us and sent His Son to pay for us. Let us
love one another confess your faults one to the other. Be
kind, patient forgive the same as God forgives you.
When you really believe that God forgives only
because Jesus Christ paid for you, then you will become
more humble and patient with others and their faults.
There was a preacher who was always displeased and
criticised the people because of their sins. Then one day
his own son got into trouble and had to go to prison. The
minister loved his son and forgave him and knew also that
God forgave his son. After that the minister was more
patient and kind and forgiving to his congregation. He
preached much about God's love in Jesus. The congregation
improved quickly. So will you, your home and our church.