Dear Christian friends:
In this chapter St. Paul shows how the whole world
suffers and groans because of Adam's sin and our sin. The
whole world suffers under the curse of God. Again this past
week we were reminded of this by the earthquake in
Yellowstone Park. The earth shook and broke causing suffering
and death. Paul says in verse 22, "the whole creation groaneth
and travaileth in pain."
And so we Christians must expect troubles, pain and
death. Yet we must not give up hope in God's mercy while
suffering. While we suffer and have pain and worry we are
tempted to despair and don't care and then sin, sin, sin.
In our text St. Paul reminds us how we can live
through the suffering, dying world. He tells us about his:
Victorious Faith
He shows that a victorious faith depends on God's
promises in Jesus Christ. He argues here: God likes us; He
loves us and wants us; He did not hold back His own dear
Son, but gave Him to die on the cross for us; the God who
condemned and cursed us and this world is the same One who
gave His Son on the cross and promises us salvation through
faith in His name.
And so Paul argues like a lawyer. If God is not
against us anymore who can be against us. God is the only
person who has the right and power to condemn us and punish.
He alone is holy and perfect and good. He only has the right
to punish us and He has decided to forgive us. He promises
that in His Word and seals that to us in Holy Baptism and
the Lord's Supper.
If we trust the precious promises in His Word we
will not despair even if the earth shakes and brakes and
we die.
But if we forget His Word and promises and instead
believe what our eyes see and our body feels then we will
despair in time of troubles. We will think: God does not
love me; He lets me suffer pain and death. I've lost my job
my children are hungry: Surely God does not care. He is
angry with me. (Illustrate with Elmer.) For a short time he
forgot God's promises in Jesus.
So you will, too, be tempted to listen to your body
and trust what you see while God lets you die, you will
be tempted to doubt and despair. In days of good health and
good times we say God loves us, but while dying and poor we
have no bodily or earthly or mental proof. Then only we
have God's promises in the Bible and His seal in our Baptism
and the Holy Supper.
Oh, we should hear these precious promises every
Sunday and read them every day and receive His seal in the
Holy Supper every time. We need that for our faith or we
may despair.
If we hear His promises and often eat and drink His
body and blood then all our troubles will only help to
improve our faith and life. Paul says, "In all these troubles
we become super conquerors." You have heard or seen superman
on TV and the funnies. You know the word "super" means extra
strong. Paul means you and I through these troubles become
extra strong in faith through Jesus who loved us.
So no matter how much trouble we suffer, if we keep
our eyes attending to the precious promises in the Bible,
we will improve and become better and stronger Christians
through our suffering. Then we can sing with Paul even
while dying; "I am sure, that neither (not) death, nor life,
nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things to
come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall
be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord.