Dear Christian friends:
Trinity 13th Sunday After
The Law and The Gospel
September 4, 1966
Rev. August Hauptman
Galatians 3:15-22
Dear Christian friends:
Often people tell me, "I try to read the Bible, but
I can't understand it." The Bible is written in a very
simple (easy) language. The vocabulary of the Bible is not
too hard for 4th and 5th grade children.
Many people can read 4th and 5th grade books. One
great English teacher and author, Rudolph Flesch says the
Bible is a good example of plain talk. Really the words and
language of our Bible are not very hard.
Why do many people not understand it both the deaf
and the hearing? Because they don't have the key that opens
the Bible to man's understanding. They don't understand
about the Law and Gospel.
If you understand about the Law and Gospel then you
will understand the Bible while you read it. In our text
St. Paul explains about the Law and the Gospel. So let
us attend to that. It is the key to the Bible.
The Law And The Gospel
Their relationship: Both the Law and the Gospel are
found in the Bible. Both are good because God gave both and
God invents nothing bad. Some people think the Law is in
the Old Testament and the Gospel is in the New Testament.
That is not true. We find the Gospel already in the first
book of the Old Testament in Genesis 3:15. In that chapter
we find both the Law and Gospel.
In our text here Paul says the Gospel was given to
Abraham four-hundred-thirty years before the Law was given
to Moses. The story about Abraham is also found in the first
book of the Bible, Genesis. The story of God giving the Ten
Commandments to Moses is found in the second book of the
Bible, Exodus.
So you will find both Law and Gospel in the Old
Testament also in the New Testament. You will find both Law
and Gospel in the same book and in the same chapter. Very
often you will find both in one verse. Look at Romans 6:23,
"The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal
life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Modern version: "Sin
pays off with death, but God gives everlasting life in
Christ Jesus, our Lord."
Now, before we continue, perhaps I should ask you
to explain the Law and the Gospel. Who can tell me what
the Law is? Who can tell me what the Gospel is? The purpose
of each Paul has been explaining to the Galatians that man
can't get saved by obeying the Law. That anyone who tries
to excuse himself by the Law or judge himself by the Law
will be lost and go to hell. That was the big mistake of
the Jews and the Galatians. Some Jews came and taught the
Law while Paul was gone and deceived them. So Paul wrote
this letter to them to warn them not to try and excuse
themselves or make themselves right by the Law.
Many Jews today still follow only the Law. On their
churches you never you never see a cross of Jesus but only
the two stone tablets of the law. They do not believe that
only Jesus' death and resurrection saves us.
Well, if we can't be saved by the Law why did God
give it to Moses and why is it in the Bible? Paul asks that
question in verse 19 and then answers, "It was added to
arouse transgressions." The Law is like a whip which the
trainer uses to stir up (wake-up) a sleeping wild animal to
show how terrible it is. We are all born with a sinful
nature and heart. Evil sleeps in us. Often we hide our evil
thoughts and desires and pretend that we are very good and
nice. But the Ten Commandments and many Law stories in the
Bible help us to see ourselves and our evil heart and spirit.
Then the Law condemns us and lets us know that nothing can
help us or save us as the hymn, "Rock of Ages" clearly
Rock of Ages - Song
V2 Not the labors of my hands
can fulfill thy law's demands;
could my zeal no respite know,
could my tears forever flow,
all for sin could not atone;
thou must save, and thou alone.
V3 Nothing in my hand I bring,
simply to the cross I cling;
naked, come to thee for dress;
helpless, look to thee for grace;
foul, I to the fountain fly;
wash me, Savior, or I die.
So God gave the Law to multiply sin and wake up sin
in us so that we see how bad we are by nature and then
despair of the Law fly to mercy seek Jesus the Savior.
V1 Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
let me hide myself in thee;
The Law cannot make man good and pleasing to God
because his heart and nature is evil. When man sees a law
he only gets angry at it and if nobody is looking he breaks
it. (Tell the story of Indian boy and Rev. Ironside)
So if you believe in Jesus Christ you will have a
new heart and spirit and gladly obey Him. Lets remember
our wonderful God and His great love and kindness to us.
Let us love Him with new hearts and new spirits which
He has given us.
Law and Gospel are the two great doctrines of the
Bible. The Law tells us how we are to be and what we
are to do and not to do. It says we must be good and
perfect like God. “You shall be holy; for I, the
Lord, your God, am holy." Leviticus 19:2 The Gospel
tells us the good news of our salvation in Jesus
Christ. “God so loved the world that He gave His
only-begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:
16. What is the difference between Law and Gospel?
1. The Law shows us our sin and the anger of God; the
Gospel shows us our Savior and the love of God, 2.The
Law must be preached to all men especially to people
who are not sorry about their sins; the Gospel must
be preached to people who are sorry about their sins.