Dear Christian friends:
Our text today talks about repentance. Repent means
to confess sin and stop it and improve in holy life. If a
person is living in repentance as he should, we will see
progress and improvement in his life. So also a church. If
the church is repenting regularly as it should then we will
see progress and improvement in the church.
Look at your own life. Do you see progress and
improvement in your life? Are you a better Christian today
than one month ago or one year ago? Or are you worse?
Look at Prince of Peace Church. Is our church doing
better this year than last? Are we improving year after
year in holy living? Are we more kind to one another now
than before? Are we giving more for church and missions
support than last year or two years ago? Are we thankful
and happy or sad and complaining? It does not appear that
we are repenting regularly as we ought. In our text Jesus
complains about the Jewish church because no matter how
much He preached or others preached they did not repent.
Why did they not repent?
Why Don't You Repent?
Lets attend to our text. If we do we will find the
answer to that important question. Why don't you repent
(be sorry) and improve? Why do you stay the same year after
year or even grow worse? Do you have your reasons? The Jews
had their reasons. They blamed the preachers. Jesus says,
When John the Baptizer came lean and not eating much food
wearing only, one same camel's hair coat many people said,
"He's too strict. He's a fanatic, crazy He has a devil in
him." When Jesus came after John He ate and drank and
visited friendly with the people then many people said,
"Look he is a glutton and drunkard a friend of tax
collectors and sinners." So no matter what kind of preacher
they had they found fault with him and blamed him and
refused to repent and improve. They excused their sin and
blamed the preacher. That was their reason.
Do you have your reasons, too? Do you blame the
pastor for your failure to improve as a person or church?
You know we often do that. If you ask a deaf person, "Why
do you not go to church?" Often he will excuse himself. He
will say, "I have my reasons." What's your reason? "I don't
like the pastor. He's not friendly, too crabby and too
strict." Then later if another pastor comes they say, "He
is too liberal, not strict enough, he eats too much and
drinks too much." So we have our reasons, we blame the
pastor or others.
Some blame their husband or wife. They say I will
go to church but my husband refuses to go so I can't go.
Some blame their children. They say, "My children do not
like Christ Sunday School. Or they say we must bring our
children to other Sunday School and can't go to the deaf
church. They will not be honest and confess the truth. They
have their reasons, weak reasons and false reasons. The
true reason is that they are lazy or they do not love God.
If you ask someone will you pledge 10% for church,
they often refuse. "I have my reasons. The pastor can pledge
10% he is rich: his brother is rich; he is a hearing person;
I am deaf I am poor." They have their reasons, false reasons,
but the true reason is that they love money and trust money
not God.
If we ask why you do not go and visit the delinquent
members, they blame the pastor. "We have many delinquent
members because the pastor does not go and visit them and
correct them. That's his duty we pay him to do that and pay
his gas. Not my duty, not my business." They have their
reasons weak reasons, false reasons, but the real reason is
they do not love their brother.
As long as you keep and pet your weak and false
reasons, you will not confess your sin and you will never
improve. Your personal life will not improve, your marriage
will not improve, and our church will not improve. It will
become worse and worse. Also if you continually keep your
reasons and are not sorry and do not confess then you will
become hard and stubborn. The Holy Spirit will leave and
you will be lost.
But if you today listen to Jesus' warning voice; if
you throw away your reasons and confess your sins and be
sorry, then the Holy Spirit will help you to believe in
Jesus Christ and find comfort and peace with God. The Holy
Spirit will help you to be happy in Jesus and happy to obey
His commandments and walk in His holy ways.
Why not repent? God is waiting for you to repent and
to come back to Him. He will forgive you for Jesus' sake and
will strengthen your faith and help you to improve.
Today again you will come to the Lord's Supper. Don't
come here with your many reasons and excuses throw them
away! They are from your selfish proud heart. But come with
a honest heart confessing your sins and trusting in Jesus'
blood to wash away all sins. Come to the Lord's Table with
prayer for His comfort and support so that you can improve
your personal life.
If each one of us improves our personal life, then
we as a church will also improve. C.C. Next Thursday we begin
our Fall activities again when the meets. Let each one
repent and improve, then the whole church will repent and