Dear Christian friends:
When we are kind to a person and help him, we expect
him to thank us and in the future to show kindness to us.
Sometimes people thank us and pay back kindness to us. We
are happy about that. But often people fail to thank us
and in the future are not kind to us and we are
But thanking another man is not the same as thanking
God. Most people fail to thank God who is the real Giver of
all life and blessings. That Jesus shows in our text. Here
is a very terrible and shameful story. I wish we were not
like these nine men in the text, but it is true. Our hearts
do not easily thank God. So today I want to preach to you
Giving Thanks To God
Those who fail to thank God show that they do not
believe in Him. (Tell the story of the Ten Lepers how
shamefully they did.) Nine men did not understand that
God healed them. Thought it happened - We suffered long
enough - We are worthy to be healed - The one by coming
back showed that he understood who helped him and healed
him. He also knew that He was not worthy of such blessings
and by coming back He offered his healed body for God's
service and use. Nine did not offer themselves to serve
God and do His wishes. They went their own way using their
bodies and life in selfish pleasures and sin.
So unbelievers do today. They are blind to
God and fail to see His kind blessing everyday: Think God
owes that to them. Complain if they lose these blessings.
No rain for two months. Sick! Why?
In time of trouble they cry and pray to God for
help like these nine and promise they will be good and
always serve Him if He helps them. But after God helps
them and saves them they quickly forget God. (Tell of man
at tuberculosis sanitarium near Springfield, Illinois.)
Also they may belong to a church, but they do not in their
heart thank God for their church or their pastors and
They have Bibles but they do not value their
Bibles and read or study them. They may go to church
often, but in their hearts they are not eager and they
complain because they must give money to support God's
work. Not only do they fail to thank God for all His
many blessings, but they even use these blessings to
sin and displease God. How do they use their healthy
bodies? To break the 6th Commandment!
Very shameful and terrible is man's heart and ways
before God. He serves the devil and not God. Unbelievers
never thank God.
How about the believers? They are like the one
leper who understood that Jesus healed him and hurried back
to thank God. They also offer their bodies and life to
serve God and do His will.
If you are a true believer in Jesus Christ you
can't fail to thank God. You know He is your Maker and
Keeper, and you will often pray to Him, praise Him and
thank Him. Your favorite Psalm will be Psalm 103:1-5,
like Dr. Salvner, "Bless the LORD, O my soul: and all that
is within me, bless his holy name. Bless the LORD, O my
soul, and forget not all his benefits: Who forgiveth all
thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases; Who
redeemeth thy life from destruction; who crowneth thee
with lovingkindness and tender mercies; Who satisfieth
thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed
like the eagle's."
If you are a Christian you do not need sickness
to teach you the blessing of health or floods or fire,
war or an auto accident to make you wake up and understand
that God is your Keeper. You will know that without such
terrible happenings.
I do not mean that a Christian perfectly thanks
God. No! He is far from perfect. He often forgets and many
times and ways is like the unbeliever. He, too, often
complains about troubles and problems and fails to see God's
many blessings and forgets to Honor Him and thank Him.
But in one way the believer is different from the
unbeliever. He knows and confesses that He is a sinner
and he fells very sad and ashamed and sorry because he fails
to thank God. He daily prays to God for forgiveness of sins
and longs for God's Holy Spirit to change him and help him
thank and serve God better.
He feels ashamed and sad when he does not live as a
child of God, His dear heavenly Father. He waits for the day
when he will go to heaven and be free from all sin and
temptation and perfectly thank and praise God.
So if you do not yet feel sorry and ashamed. If you
do not desire to thank and serve God. Remember: if you do
not thank Him and serve Him here on earth; then you will
also not be able to thank Him in heaven, but will find
yourself separated from God with the devil in hell. Better
wake up.
You, who do thank God and who try hard and fight
against temptation to serve Him on earth, don't give up
your fight! Pray everyday. Learn from the Bible how to
thank God and serve Him on earth. And remember: quickly
your fight here will end and you will see God and thank
Him perfectly and beautifully. In His presence (place)
you will find full joy. At His right hand you will have
eternal pleasures.