Dear Christian friends:
When you receive an invitation to a party or to a
wedding you are happy. You are pleased because someone
remembered you and wants you to join with them and share
something good and wonderful. Most of the time we accept
the invitation.
In our text we find an invitation. It is a very
wonderful invitation. It is an invitation from Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Savior. Jesus wants you to come and
join with Him in something very wonderful. His invitation
is the best of all.
So let us attend to our text and consider
The Best Invitation
I. Who should come? Should you? Does Jesus really invite
you? Perhaps you answer, "Yes, Jesus wants me I am a very
good person." Perhaps you answer, "No, Jesus doesn't want
me I am a very bad person." Jesus is good. Jesus is God
He can't want me.
What does Jesus say here in our text? Whom does He
invite? He says, "Come to Me, all you who are working hard
and carrying a heavy load. Who works hard and carries a
heavy load? All of us do whether we think we are good or
bad. Jesus invites all people because all people work hard
and carry a heavy load. You say, "No, some are lazy some
do not work." True, some people are lazy and some do not
work, but they still have a heavy load. Jesus does not mean
those who work on the job, carpenter or printer or housewife,
not that kind of work. He means people who try hard to
invent reasons and excuses for their sins. He means people
who try to obey all the Ten Commandments, but all the time
fail, fail. He means people who are worried and afraid who
have a bad conscience. He means people who are not happy
and at peace in their heart. He means people who have
problems who are bitter and angry and jealous or upset.
Does He mean you?
Do you invent excuses and reasons? Do you try hard
to do good and right, but fail, fail, fail? Are you worried
and afraid about many things? Does your conscience bother
you? Are you happy? Do you feel peace with God? Are you
jealous, bitter, angry? Do you hate someone? Does Jesus
mean you? Yes, he means you. He means me, all of us are
sinners and have a heavy load.
II. What does Jesus promise to give us if we come to Him?
He says, "I will give you rest." "Rest" that means
peace with God happiness love for God and true love and
kindness for one another. Why? Because Jesus forgives our
Jesus is the Son of God who came from heaven to
earth who became our brother and accepted our sins suffered
and died for us on Good Friday and on Easter He arose from
death, truly alive. To the crucified, dead and then risen
Jesus we come. He forgives our sins and we find rest for
our souls, true rest, true peace. Now we do not need carry
our burden any more. We put it on Jesus. The hymn says:
I lay my sins on Jesus,
The spotless Lamb of God;
He bears them all and frees us
From the accursed load.
I bring my guilt to Jesus
To wash my crimson stains
White in His blood precious
Till not a spot remains.
(The Lutheran Hymnal, 652)
"Come to Me worried sinners I will give you rest." You have
never heard a more wonderful invitation and you never will
hear a better one.
But Jesus invites us to more than that He says,
"Take My yoke on you and learn from Me I am gentle and
humble minded - then you will find rest. My yoke is easy
and My load is light."
When Jesus forgives our sins He shows great love
and kindness to us. We do not deserve it. That is because
of God's great and wonderful love. Now the love of God is
in your heart and mind; That love of God is a new burden a
new responsibility. The old load was hate and pride and
jealousy. That load Jesus takes away. He gives us rest
from that. But He also gives you a new load the load of
love. The load of humbleness. The load of mercy and
kindness for other sinners to help them as God loves them
and helps them. Jesus has the burden of love. That burden
is also yours and mine.
We are God's children now by faith in Jesus. Jesus
says, "Be ye merciful and kind even as your Father in
heaven." So Jesus also invites us to serve God to work for
God and live a good holy life and to show God's love and
kindness to others. Through daily life and also by
supporting our church world missions. He says this load is
"easy and light." Sometimes it seems heavy to us. Church
duties, persecution, losses for Christ's sake. We fail to
pray etc.
But if we remember that Jesus is with us and helps
us carry this burden of love it will seem easy. We will
trust Him to lead us and support us as we carry His load of
love throughout our life.
Truly a very wonderful invitation. May God help us
to accept it and rejoice in it.