Dear Christian friends:
There is one false god that most people worship.
Also many church members worship that god. True, they
come to church and pray to the Tribune God when pastor
leads them, but deep in their heart they love and serve
another god.
In our text Jesus calls this god "Money." Now
money itself is not a bad thing, but if we love and trust
in money as we should love and trust in God, then money
becomes our god. The Bible says, "Love for money is the
root of all evil."
In our text Jesus warns us about having money for
our god. He shows that
We Are Foolish If We Love and Trust In Money
I. If we let money be our god then we lose the true God.
That's very foolish.
Jesus says, "No body can serve two masters. Either
he will hate the one and love the other or he will be true
to the one and despise the other. You can't can't serve
God and money."
If we love money, we will not love God. If we
depend on money and trust in money for food, clothes, house
and pleasure, we will not trust God for that. We will not
pray to God for that or thank Him for our food, clothes,
house and other things we need. Do you trust in money or
God? Do you pray daily to God and ask Him for food and
drink, clothes and government? Do you thank Him for these
blessings? Do you pray before and after eating? If you do
not pray before and after eating perhaps you trust in money
and not God.
That is strong temptation for all of us to trust in
money and worry, worry about bills, and money. That's why
the founders of our country engraved on our coins the words
"In God We Trust" (Show coin and point to those words) Our
fathers who established our nation want to remind us every
time we spend some money, not money, but God gives you these
things. Thank God for what you are buying.
If you fail to thank God and trust in Him, you lose
Him and you have another god, a false god, that is very
foolish, not wise.
II. It is also foolish to love money because there are more
important things in life than money, food and clothes.
Jesus asks, "Is not life more than food, and the body more
than clothes? (v. 25) Don't worry and say, "What will we
eat or drink or wear. And in verses 31-33 Jesus says, "First,
be eager to have God as your King and have His righteousness."
People who do not believe in God worry much about
money and how they can get more and more. They don't worry
and wonder if they are pleasing God and serving Him. They
want beautiful clothes, new cars, fine homes, but they are cold
hearted, greedy and proud. In their heart they do not love God
and their neighbors. They live to eat and to show off their
beautiful things. They are not kind or humble and refuse to
help someone in trouble or need. They have beautiful clothes,
but not a beautiful heart or spirit. When they work they don't
care if they do good work that helps their employer's business,
they only work to get their pay check. If they are employers,
they don't care if they make a good product, they only want to
make something cheap, so they can earn a quick or big profit.
They don't care to pay employees a good wage.
It is much better to have a beautiful heart that a
beautiful face or clothes. It is much better to have a beautiful
spirit and do kind and good works than to have a rich, beautiful
house. It is foolish to love money because than we lose a good
heart and kind spirit which is more important.
III. Perhaps you ask, "Can I be rich and still love God?" Yes, you
can it is not a sin to have much money, nice clothes or a beautiful
home. Often God gives riches to those who love Him and serve Him.
I know some very rich people who are fine Christians and use their
money to serve God. In the Bible we read about many rich men who
loved and served God. They did not trust in it; they trusted in
God, and always tried to do His will.
This Jesus shows here in our text, too. "Don't worry
then and say, "What will we eat? or what will we drink? or what
will we wear? The people of the world run after these things.
Your Father in heaven knows you need them all. First be eager to
have God as your King and His righteousness, and you'll get all
these other things too."
Hear again what Jesus says in verses 26-30 (Read them!)
So we are very foolish to love and trust in money. Money itself
can't give us food or clothes. Only God can give us these things.
Money can't hear and answer our prayers. If we love God and serve
Him, He will worry about us and keep us. He will give us all that
we need to support ourselves and our family, and often He gives us
much more than we need.
We have a mighty, wise, and rich God, Lord and ruler of
heaven and earth. Be wise; trust Him, love and serve Him. You will
not be disappointed; He will not fail you. He will keep all His
promises to you and finally give you everlasting life in heaven.
Through Jesus He has forgiven all your sins. He frees you to serve
Don't be foolish like many people in the world who give up
God and hurry for money and all the things they can buy with it.
They will be sorry one day when they see their mistake. They served
money which really cannot help or save them. It only makes them
slaves. They are never satisfied always wanting more and more.
Finally they must die and all their money and things cannot help or
save them. They will see that they have surrendered their soul to
Satan, very foolish.
Let's surrender our souls to God and serve Him.