Dear Christian friends:
This morning I intend to preach an Easter Sermon
to you. Are you surprised to have an Easter Sermon in
October? Really, if we have true faith we should think
about Easter every month. But we perhaps are weak in
faith and are surprised about Easter In October. In order
to strengthen our faith let us look at our text and see
Easter In October
Why is this a good idea? Its a good idea because
we are always tempted to doubt or deny the resurrection
of the body. Easters tells us that Jesus died and rose
again and that we too, must die and rise again. Easter
is very important! If Christ did not rise, our faith is
in vain, and we are still in our sins.
There was a group of people named Sadducees living
during Jesus' time on earth. These people taught that if
someone died he couldn't rise again. And they argue here
with Jesus, trying to prove that His teaching about the
resurrection is foolish and therefore false.
So also many communists and wise men argue today.
Also our own reason also doubts that: "If I die and become
dust, can I live again? We can't understand how.
Therefore, it is good for us to have an Easter
Sermon in October that we may conquer our doubting reason
with proof from God's Word. It is also good for us to have
Easter in October, because this reminds us that we must
die one day too.
We like to forget about dying or hide that as much
as we can. We like to have a good time and enjoy ourselves.
That's what the Sadducees were interested in. We can tell
that by their argument here with Jesus. They did not believe
there was life after death, but if there was one they thought
it would be like this life where we get married.
They thought people should get married in heaven, if
there is a heaven. They thought romance, love, sex and
marriage was equal to heaven.
So many people think that today. Jesus says in verse
34, "The children of this world marry, and are given in
marriage." "Children of this world" means the unbelievers.
They sing much about romance, love, sex and marriage. They
sing: "Heaven can wait."
When their is a wedding at church, they all get very
excited and come to church. But on Sunday when we preach
about Jesus, about sin and forgiveness of sins and give the
Lord's Supper they don't care and stay home. They think
about eating, romance and marriage only. They don't come to
worship God and serve Him. Sex is their God.
We also are tempted to worship sex and make that our
God. So we need Easter in October to remind us that sex
grows old and dies. Eating, and drinking and marriages will
quickly end.
Can you celebrate Easter in October? You can if you
are children of God or children of the resurrection as Jesus
says in our lesson. Jesus says, "The children of this world
marry" (love marriage and sex and only are interested in
that) "But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain
that world, and the resurrection from the dead, neither
marry, nor are given in marriage: Neither can they die any
more: for they are equal unto the angels; and are the
children of God, being the children of the resurrection."
(Luke 20:35-36)
The children of this world love marriage and are
only interested in that and other worldly things. True,
they often like Easter in April and go to church once a
year on Easter Sunday. But all the other Sundays they
love marriage, home and money only.
But the children of God who are also the children
of the resurrection love God and Jesus their Savior who
suffered and died on the cross for them and rose again on
Easter morning. Every Sunday is Easter for them. Their
chief joy is not marriage and sex and homes, but to
worship their dear Savior and hope for the day when they
will die and rise again and go and stay with their dear
God and Savior in heaven.
There they will not be interested in marriage,
but like the holy angels they will worship, serve
and praise their wonderful God and Jesus the Lamb
of God who sits on the throne; saying, “Saying, Amen:
Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving,
and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God
for ever and ever. Amen.” (Revelation 7:12) If this is our
hope for the next world, we will also begin to do it now
in church each Sunday.
We know that the first Christians kept Sunday as a
worship day because that was the day Jesus arose from the
dead. They celebrated Jesus' death and resurrection every
Sunday. So should we! If we really believe in Jesus our
Savior, then we are the children of God and children of
the resurrection. We can joyfully celebrate Easter in