Dear Christian friends:
God wants us to pray for ourselves, and most
people do that. We know our needs and troubles and so we
remember to pray for ourselves. But do we remember to pray
for other people? God also wants us to pray for one another:
Husband pray for wife, wife for husband, one church member
for another, people praying for the pastor.
Many times St. Paul asked the people to remember
him and his work in their prayers, "Pray that I may speak
it boldly, as it is my duty to speak;" he told the people.
So I hope also you, my sheep, will not forget me, your
shepherd, when you pray at home.
But here in our lesson we find Paul offering a
prayer for the people. We see:
A Pastor Prays For His People
It will be good for you to see how a pastor prays.
So let us attend to this text and consider A Pastor's Prayer
For His People.
At the church in Ephesus they were having a lot of
trouble. Only a few members. Most people in the City were
enemies of Jesus and mocked and persecuted the Christians
because they did not join in their sins and false worship
of idols.
Paul himself was writing the letter to them from a
prison in Rome. He did nothing wrong or against the laws
of Rome, but because he preached Jesus Christ he was put in
So he writes I don't want you to give up because
of your troubles or my troubles. If we suffer troubles
because of our faith in Jesus that is our glory and praise.
That's good, not bad. Therefore in this trouble I will not
give up my faith in Jesus and I don't want you to give up
your faith either. I am glad if I can suffer prison, for
Jesus' sake. I am ready to die for his sake. He tells us
why in verses 7-9 of this chapter. Paul explains to the
people God's wonderful grace to him in letting him become
a preacher of the cross.
Before he was named Saul enemy of God. But with mercy
and kindness God called him from his wicked way and offered
him peace and forgiveness of sins. Changed his name from Saul
to Paul. Then Paul was very happy and thankful to God. He
can't forget such wonderful love and kindness as God showed
to him. So he is glad to suffer for Jesus' sake now. In
troubles, persecution and mockery he does not become tired
or fed up or give up. He says I knell and pray to the Father
of our Lord Jesus Christ from Him the whole family, the
church, in heaven and earth is named.
So in trouble he prays to the Father of Jesus for
his people. He does not become tired or give up. What does
he pray? He prays that the members become more strong by
the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit backing Jesus may live
in their hearts so that they be established strongly in
love. Not wavering but established strong is love. Like
Jesus not hating enemies or anyone. Love and try to win
the enemies and people. Not worrying about themselves.
Talk like Jesus, do like Jesus, live like Jesus. Die like
Jesus witnessing and teaching like Jesus. (to the woman
at Jacob's well) Forgive like Jesus, work like Jesus, love
God like Jesus.
He prays also that they will know how wonderful and
large Jesus' church really is, verse 18. The width and length
and depth and height. Too often we think the church is only
our small group here, a few and we compare it with many who
do not belong and don't believe and we feel to give up. But
here Paul says the church is very wide, very long, very high
and very deep.
What does he mean? The Church is in heaven and on the
earth. The Church is people who have died in faith in Jesus
like Vera. Psalm 116:13, "Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of His saints." Lyle, Stan and others, many
many millions since Adam and Eve who died with faith in God's
mercy in Jesus. They are the church above, the church
victorious, the church glorious.
We on earth who believe in Jesus are the church
militant still fighting sin and temptation.
But even on earth we belong to a large group of people of
every nation.
Preacher Paul prays that his people may understand
how wonderful and large and great Jesus' church is. They
should not only think of their small group at Ephesus.
So your pastor today prays for you, too that you
will not be narrow minded or small or cheap in your
thinking about Jesus' church. His church is not only
Prince of Peace, also Bread of Life, Jehovah Christ,
Zion Faith. People in all churches who believe and
trust and love the Triune God.
In all churches and places where His Word is read
and preached and taught there you will find His Church and
some believers. They added together make a large and
wonderful body. This church is not the work of man but
of God. So Paul in closing his prayer gives all praise and
glory to God the Father who he says does much more very
much more than we ask or think he can. See what he did with
Vera, Saul, Lyle and Salvner among us.
Lets not become tired or feel to give up our
faith and work even if there is much trouble and problems.
Let us like Paul kneel before our heavenly Father and ask
for more faith and love and that He show us His large
and wonderful church in heaven above and on earth below.
Let us not be bitter or complain but like Paul
give praise and glory to God the Father of our Lord
Jesus Christ.
This was Pastor Paul's prayer for his people. I
want you to know that it is also my prayer for you.