August's Sermons

Church Period: The Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity
Sermon Title: The Christian's Freedom
Sermon Date: September 28, 1958
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 8:31-36

Dear Christian friends:

Friday President Eisenhower gave a speech in which he said that we are fighting for freedom. He meant freedom to vote, freedom to criticise government etc. equal rights to counts and fair trial etc. This we call political freedom. Ike is willing to use all our American power to keep political freedom in the world. And many of our people will fight and die for political freedom. That is very precious.

In our text Jesus speaks about another freedom, which is more precious than political freedom. He speaks about

The Christian's Freedom

I. What is it? Not freedom to sin. (v. 34) Many people think that real freedom means do as you like. Do what your lazy wicked body wants to do. People who think like that are slaves of sin and don't know it. They think that they are free, but truly they are slaves of sin. They can't stop sinning even if their conscience blames them and deep in their heart they know it is wrong. The adulterer, chain smoker, drunkard, cheater, lier, etc. All are slaves of sin.

Sometimes they pity Christians and say: "You have to be good! You can't have any fun," they say, "You have to follow God's Word." But they are the ones who need pity-not the Christian, they are the slaves of sin. (v. 34)

True freedom: But the Christian is really free from sin and the punishment joined sin. (v. 32) Christ has freed us from sin (v. 36) Paid for our sins with His blood on the Cross. So we become new by faith in Him.

1. Can resist sin and by His help break with it.

2. No longer love the world. Don't care about money, power, praise of men. We know that has little value. If we have money we use it for God's praise, not for ourselves.

3. No longer fear God's condemnation, Christ has suffered that!

4. Not afraid to die now, Christ died and rose again. Christ, who loves us, has full control over death, as we saw last Sunday in the sermon. Sickness and death under His control are blessings that bring us to eternal life. With such freedom we can serve God gladly and victoriously.

II. How do we get this wonderful freedom?

Jesus says, "The truth shall make you free." Falseness, lies, Satan enslave. Proud ideas of men, self-righteousness do not make us free. But God's Word does. His Word is the truth. Jesus says, (v. 31), "If ye continue in My Word, then are you My true disciples, and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." So God's Word makes us free or gives this freedom. His Word tells the truth about man, that in himself alone he is a lost and condemned sinner, helpless to win His freedom. His Word also says that Christ, God's Son came from heaven, suffered for condemned man and won forgiveness and freedom. This good Word about Jesus is the truth that gives us freedom.

When the German army collapsed in World War II, Norway was still under German soldiers. Then over the English radio they heard that Germany had surrendered. Many Norwegians doubted this and at first couldn't believe that word on the radio. It said they were free, but they still saw German soldiers around their cities.

God's Word also tells us that we are free. Christ has won for us. But we doubt it. We see Satan and wickedness still around us. Oneself is still strongly inclined to sin and we often feel slaves to our sinful weaknesses. But let us believe this Word. It is true. By hearing this Word again and again we get God's truth that keeps freeing us more and more.

We need to be careful about our faith and make sure that we truly believe in our heart. Some people join a church but don't really believe in Jesus. They do not have this freedom. They think that they are free because they belong to a church or because their father did, or because they have name Lutheran, or Catholic or Methodist. Having that name does not bring this freedom.

The Jews were like that. When Jesus told them His Word will free them they were displeased and said "We be Abraham's children and were never slaves to anyone. Why do you say we shall become free?" Jesus said to them if you are truly Abraham's children you would do good works like Abraham. But now you seek to kill me _ _ _! This Abraham not do." Abraham knew Me and believed Me _ _ _ You do not believe Me you are not really Abraham's children." They Jesus said to them: "You do like your father, the devil, lies, lust," the Jews said, "We are not children of the devil. We have one Father, God." Jesus answered, "If God truly your Father, you would love me; because I came from God, and I not decide to come Myself, but He sent Me."

So we must be careful. We may think ourselves free, and yet we are slaves of sin and Satan like the Jews. They did not hear God's Word correctly and so believed their own ideas and Satan's lies. God's Word is hard to understand and often that does not praise us, but shames and condemns us. But it is true. Let us humble ourselves under this true Word and confess our sins. That is truth. Then look to Jesus crucified who alone paid for our sins.

Let us daily confess our sins as we do here today for the Lord's Supper and then believe that Jesus gave His body and blood on the cross for our forgiveness.

Let us prove our freedom by avoiding sin and serving Jesus. A runaway horse is not free, bruises and exhaustion. The train jumping the track is not free. The man who kills himself to be free of pain and worry is not free. He falls into hell at death. The horse if free that pulls a good load goes home to food and kind treatment. The train is free that stays on the track and brings the load to town. The man who suffers sickness and pain humbly trusting in Jesus is free and finally goes home to heaven. So you and I must not rebel against God's wish. But humble ourselves, confess our sins, trust in Jesus blood and show our freedom by obeying His will.
