Church Period: The Seventeenth Sunday After Trinity
Sermon Title: The Right Idea About Sunday
Sermon Date: September 24, 1972
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Luke 14:1-11
Dear Christian friends:
Sunday is the most important day of the week
for Christians. Many Christians do not work on Sunday and
go to church. After church they rest or visit friends or
go on a trip or some kind of sport. Some must work on
Sunday, and they do not go to church. Is it wrong to work
on Sunday? Some answer, "Yes," some say, "No!" Who is
right? What is the right idea about Sunday?
In our text Jesus helps us to get the right idea
about Sunday.
The Third Commandment says: "Remember the Sabbath Day to
keep it holy."
"Sabbath means rest. The Bible says God created
the world in six days and the on the seventh day He rested
and so God commanded Moses and the Israelites to not work
on the seventh day, but rest. They were forbidden to gather
wood for fire or to cook meals on the Sabbath Day. Today
many Jews still keep the seventh day like that. The Seventh
Day Adventist Church also go to church and rest on the 7th
Day. They say we Lutherans are wrong and break the third
Commandment because we do not rest on Saturday and we do
not go to Church on Saturday. Are we Lutherans wrong? Why
do we go to Church on Sunday and not Saturday?
God commanded Moses and the Israelites of the Old
Testament times to keep the Sabbath laws and many other
laws about eating and drinking (couldn't eat pork) and about
animal offerings. These laws are called ceremonial laws,
laws of prayer and worship and God had a good reason why He
commanded Israel to obey them. Through these various worship
laws God prophesied about Jesus who one day would come through
these worship laws they could learn to believe and trust in the
promised Savior. God intended these laws during B.C. times and
not A.D. times. After Jesus was born and after He died for us
God canceled these old worship laws. St. Paul writes in
Colossians 2:16,17 "Let no man judge you about eating or drinking
or about a holy day or of the Sabbath days which are a shadow of
things to come (prophesy); but the body is of Christ (Jesus is
the true Savior).
So God has not commanded us Christians to keep any day
not Saturday or Sunday. We are free to choose any day. Why
do we go to church on Sunday? Because the Christians, 12
apostles began that. Because Jesus arose from death on Sunday
morning. Every Sunday they decided to gather and celebrate
His death and resurrection and praise Him for such wonderful
So we go to church on Sunday, not because of laws, but
because we want to. Freely we have decided that. Gladly we
go to church on Sunday to worship and thank our wonderful God
and Savior.
We do more then that on Sunday. Here in our text Jesus
shows that the Jews thought they obeyed the Sabbath law if they
rested and did nothing. Jesus here corrects their misunderstanding
(relate incident in the text). Jesus worked on the Sabbath and
showed mercy and helped the sick man.
So we should also do God's Word on Sunday. Jesus once
said, "Blessed (happy) are they that hear the Word of God and
keep it (do it)." And what does God's Word teach us to do? To
love and help one another as Jesus here shows pity on the sick man
and helps him.
Some people come to church and hear God's Word, but they
never keep it and do or obey it. But they are proud like these
Pharisees and think they are God's people. They go to church to
show off and get praise for themselves. They do not go to church
to praise God or to serve him or their brothers and sisters.
Jesus said of these Pharisees that they loved their donkey and
oxen more than they loved their brother, because they would help
their ox which fell in the well on the Sabbath, but not help the
sick man. When Jesus healed him on the Sabbath they were displeased.
Then Jesus also saw how they hurried to get the chief seats
of honor at the dinner because they wanted the praise and honor of
men. They did not humbly serve God and their brother. He told
them they should be humble and then God would exalt and honor them.
But if they exalt themselves proudly God would humble them.
If we don't want to go to church on Sunday, we show that we
don't care about God and don't want to help our brother! Some
Christians must work on Sunday: Police, Doctors, Firemen, Mothers,
etc. That's not sin. But we should arrange time for them.
So we keep the spirit and idea of Sunday if we gladly go to
church; hear God's Word and then do it. For God's Word teaches us
that we are sinners and deserve no honor from God or man, but that
He has pitied us and has forgiven all our sins in Jesus and calls
us His sons. He highly, honors us!
So we should show mercy and forgive one another and help one
another. That's the right way to keep Sunday.