August's Sermons

Church Period: The Eighteenth Sunday After Trinity
Sermon Title: Fight The Good Fight Of Faith
Sermon Date: October 13, 1963
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: 1 Timothy 6:6-16

Dear Christian friends:

People often think if I become a Christian then I shall have peace and no troubles.

I. It's a real fight.

A. Opposite ideas about happiness

People think real happiness, good living means having many things: Clothes, nice car, good food, many friends, good health and praise from other people. They think if one doesn't have these things, he can't be happy no good life. But Jesus says, "Beware of covetousness a mans life (happiness) does not depend on the things he has." (Luke 12:15) And He asks, "Not true? life is more than food?" (v.7)

And you know yourself many people who have everything are not really happy. Many rich people commit suicide. Remember Marilyn Monroe. Also all of us in America are rich if we compare ourselves with people in other countries of the world. Even the deaf of America are rich. Many people in other countries do not have what our deaf in America have. You are rich. Are you happy? Man says happiness depends on how much one has. God says that is not true. So we have a clash of ideas, a real fight.

B. Another way we see the fight.

Man thinks that faith in God should bring him more earthly things, than one who doesn't believe. One time I saw a deaf man tell another deaf man: "If you believe in God and go to church then God will bless you more and you will not get sick and you will have a better job. That is not true. Often people who do not pray have more money and things than the people who pray. The Bible says, "God makes His sun to shine on the evil and the good; He sends rain on both the just and the unjust.

The purpose of faith is not to get money and things. We must fight against that idea. It is a real fight. When you are well, and have plenty to eat, you think God is good God loves me. But when you are sick and have little to eat or when you have trouble you say "Where is God?" Like Mrs. Fooshaag whose girl was killed in Mpls. She said "Sometimes its hard to believe there is a God." We must fight against ideas and thoughts like that. It is a very hard fight. God is God and God is good no matter whether you have good days or bad; health or sickness, happiness or grief.

C. We Christians are in a real fight also against the lust of our heart.

When our heart lusts for money and things and depends on these for happiness it hurts and destroys true faith in God that God is our Maker and Keeper (verses 9&10 Read them) Love and lust for money and things is the opposite of faith. Lust says, "I must feed and take care of myself. If I don't take care of myself nobody else will. Faith says, "God will take care of Me. I will work and do my daily duty then I will rest and wait for God's blessing. I know He forgives me; His Son Jesus has died for Me." We have a real hard fight between our lust and our faith.

But although we have a hard fight and a long one even until we die, it is a good fight. Paul says in verse 12: "Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life to which God called you." The goal or purpose of our fight is eternal life. What is that? That is forgiveness of sins through faith in Jesus Christ. That means peace with God and friendship with Him now on earth and then forever in heaven. Jesus says, "And this life is eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Paul writes about this in another letter: "If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died (dead to sin), and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory" (Colossians 3:1-4)

So the purpose of our fight is eternal life. And this eternal life we have also now while we live and fight here on earth. So while we live we should as Paul says "desire those things above, not those things on earth. Seek those things which are above. Seek to be like Jesus Christ forgive kind patient as Paul says here in verse 11. (Read it)

And one proof that we are going forward in the fight is that we are content. (verses 6,8) If our faith is strong then we are satisfied with God and all the precious promises of His Word. We know we are rich and full with all spiritual blessings and if we have little or no earthly blessings that does not trouble us. Paul was like that He says "I have learned, no matter where I am rich or poor sick or well, to be content. I know how to live in poverty, and I know how to live in riches." Paul was satisfied at all times and in all places. He had a better treasure than earth can offer He had the treasure of Christ. So as you go forward in the good fight you should become more satisfied in Jesus and not complain about your earthly place and things. Paul says "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say Rejoice, Let your satisfaction be known to all men. The Lord is near. Don't worry about anything; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:4-7)

When satisfied, rejoice in Jesus and you know you are going ahead in the good fight. But if we are honest, we must confess with shame that we are not satisfied and not very happy in Jesus. Like Lot's wife we are always looking back to earthly things for comfort and support, savings, insurance. These things we can see and touch and use seem more important than the promises of God's Word and God whom we can't see. We are born with lust and trust in these things we see on earth. We are not born with trust in God and His promises, Jesus said to Nicodemus, "Ye must be born again - - - born again by the Holy Spirit of God. That is why Paul says to Timothy in verse 13, "I charge thee before God who quickeneth (gives new life) to all things."

So we must fight the good fight by faith. And faith Paul says, Comes by hearing God's Word. This faith God began in us at baptism, as we saw again today. He builds up that faith later by teaching the stories of Jesus at Home in Sunday School and Church. By the Lord's Supper too. By attending to Jesus we see how He fought the good fight before Pontius Pilate for us, verse 13. He, too, was tempted lust for earthly things by the devil during His life. But He told Satan "Man shall not live by bread alone."

So we are in a good fight, but it is good only if we keep fighting unto death and not be weary or give up. Don't make preparation for the sinful heart to satisfy its lusts. Don't be filled with wine, but be filled with the Spirit, and you will have a good fight and will be able to say with Paul, "I have fought a good fight I have finished my race therefore there is for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that Day.
