Dear Christian friends:
The problem of the policeman is crime. The
problem of the teacher is ignorance. The
problem of the doctor is sickness. But what
is the problem of the minister and the
ministers helpers? Many ministers often
and their members often forget what their
real problem is and so they try to do
teacher's work or doctor's work or
psychiatrist's work and police work, and
forget the true and precious work of the
minister and the church.
The problem of the minister is not crime
or ignorance or sickness, no not even
death. Yes, we must know how to die, and
the minister can help us die, but that is
not his chief problem. What is the problem
of the minister? His problem is man's guilt
or sin. He must prove to man that he is
guilty before God and then tell him the
Good News that God has taken away his guilt.
This is exactly what we should try to do
during our P.T.R. Mission. We are not having
our P.T.R. to get more members. We could get
more members and not once talk about sin and
forgiveness of sins like many churches do.
They talk about about schools, and crime and
delinquent teenagers or just have socials and
they get many new members. We don't want
members like that. We must do the real work of
the church and help man with his worst
problem, guilt, and tell him the best news in
the world: God forgives guilt.
In order to impress this upon our minds and
hearts let us ask ourselves:
Two Important Questions
Is man guilty before God? Does God really
forgive guilty man? Our text answers these
two questions.
Is man really guilty before God? Many people
say no or they say a little bit or sometimes.
But not much, they all agree. That's because
they don't know the strict demands of God's
law. In our text Jesus shows the strict demands
of God's law when he says, "Thou shalt love the
Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all
thy soul, and with all thy mind and thou shalt
love thy neighbor as thyself." "Love God with
all your heart." Can you? Do you?
That means church first, Pray, Praise, give
thanks! With all your strength. Serve God gladly
and cheerfully. And love your neighbor as yourself
share your money with him if he is in trouble
or need. Risk your life to save his life. Be
glad with him when he has success and weep with
him when he weeps.
But we don't love God gladly or serve Him cheerfully.
If we go to church we often feel, "O shucks, I have
to go to church again today. And often we think up
false, weak excuses. If we give money to church
we give it and then grumble about it. Or we nudge
one another about God's laws and think Church every
Sunday? Better once a month.
Give 10% of our money for church? Preacher's crazy.
My beer money! My bowling money! My new car! I can't
give 10% better go down to 5% or 2%. Preachers a
fanatic, crazy. See! You don't really love God with
all your heart. You love yourself!
Same with our neighbor. Hands off. His responsibility.
Let him help himself. If he is glad we are mad; if he
cries we laugh! We don't care about our neighbor and
we don't really love God. And so we are guilty and
deserve His wrath and displeasure, troubles now and
condemnation eternally.
It is the ministers problem and our problem to impress
that on ourselves and others. Also now in our P.T.R.
But we have a very wonderful solution to our problem,
the Good News that God pities the guilty and has
given His own Son to suffer the punishment for the
guilty. Preaching the Good News of Jesus is the chief
work of the minister and the members.
This we learn also from Jesus here in our text. The
Jews had asked him the question: "What is the great
commandment in the law? And we read they asked Him
that to trap Him or find fault with Him. Acting
like they themselves were perfect and without sin.
But Jesus answered them wisely to prove their own
sin and then He also showed Himself their mighty
Savior. He asked them: "What do you think of Christ?
Whose son is He?" They said, "David." They thought
the promised Christ was only a man. They studied
and knew the prophecies about the Messiah who would
save Israel.
But they misunderstood about the Christ. They thought
he would be a great military hero who would free
them from the enemy Rome and give them good times
again as in David's kingdom.
But now Jesus proves to them that the Christ is not
a soldier savior or worldly king, but the Son of
God who came down from heaven to take away man's
sin and guilt. Jesus says to them: "You say Christ
is the son of David, but David himself in the psalms
calls Christ His Lord. If David calls Christ Lord,
how can He be His son?"
The Jews could not answer that question, because
they didn't want a Savior from heaven for their
sins. They wanted good times, money, worldly power
and honor. But if we believe that Christ is the
Son of God and Son of David, then we have a mighty
Savior for sinners.
No matter how bad or wicked our sin, we have a mighty
Savior, the Son of God. His blood is enough to
satisfy God His holy life becomes mine through faith.
"Though your sins be as scarlet they shall be white
as snow."
This is the sweet good news we should tell guilty
men. Let us make that good news very interesting and
very, very good! We have a wonderful opportunity this
week and next week. Let us not fail to use it.