Dear Christian friends:
A few days ago we read in the newspaper about the
beautiful movie actress, Marie McDonald, that she killed
herself. She had beauty, fame and pleasure, married and
divorced six times. But she was not really happy. She
was very unhappy she couldn't stand to live any more and
took her own life.
That happens often. Rich and successful people
kill themselves. Ernest Hemingway was another one. Most
successful American writer.
Where can we find true, lasting happiness? In our
text Jesus shows us where and how to find true happiness.
Be Happy In Jesus!
I. Often we are not happy, why?
A. We try to find happiness in the wrong places and things
1. Short lived
2. Earthly things so they pass away and with it
our happiness.
3. Perhaps we try to find happiness in our good
health. That too, passes away! The man in our
B. Sin is the reason why we are not happy.
1. We do not love God and live for His praise and
glory. We are selfish, interested in our own
praise and glory.
2. That's also the reason why we don't love our
neighbor. Selfish. Even if we do have a nice
home, cars, clothes and other things. If our
neighbor or friend has a little bit better then we
become jealous of him and are not satisfied with
our old things and want new.
3. Because we are not satisfied we become jealous
and unhappy. Then we lose friends and become more
unhappy. Also our conscience blames us. Maybe we
cheat or steal to get more and more money and
things. Give little to church or United Fund.
Then we are not happy and our conscience blames us.
Where can we find true happiness?
II. In Jesus. Jesus says to the sick unhappy man, "Be of
good cheer (be happy) thy sin's be forgiven."
Although this man was still sick and lying helpless
on the bed Jesus tells him to be happy. Why? Because
Jesus forgives his sins. So you and I can be happy, too.
Jesus has also suffered and died on the cross for our sins.
We are selfish and greedy and with all our money and things
still are not happy. (Marie McDonald beautiful movie actress
killed herself this past week. She had plenty of money, beauty
and fame. But she was not really happy. She was very unhappy
and gave up hope and killed herself. Forty-two years old)
So let us come to Jesus and confess our sins that we
are selfish and greedy and jealous and envious and not happy.
Let us ask Him to forgive us and help us to stop thinking so
much about our self. Let us ask Him to help us to love God
and seek His praise and glory. Then we will also love our
neighbor when he is successful and shake his hand and
congratulate him. Not be jealous or envious.
Be happy in Jesus and live to give honor and praise to
God. You will have a good chance to change your ways now
again during our E.M.V. Many of our members are not living
for God's honor and glory. Still too selfish and greedy.
Give little or nothing for church. Always trying to race
with other deaf, show-off jealous envy.
I hope many of our members will be sorry about their
selfish ways and life and confess their sins and then seek
for true happiness and pleasure in Jesus. You who have don't
be tempted or give up. Continue resisting temptation and
work for God. Then you will find true everlasting happiness.