Dear Christian friends:
To help us understand the deep and wonderful things
of His Kingdom Jesus often used or taught with things
from nature. He said, "I am the Light of the world;
I am the Good Shepherd; I am the bright and morning
star; I am the way; I am the door; and here in the
text He says, "I am the vine."
By saying that He is the vine and we are the branches
Jesus wants to teach us about spiritual life. We may
think that our soul is alive, but it may be dying or
finished dead. So this morning to help you understand
more about spiritual life I want to preach to you from
from this text. I want to ask you:
Are You A Live Christian?
Jesus here compares a live Christian to a branch that
grows many clusters of grapes. A good live branch will
grow many clusters of grapes each year.
When I was a small boy we lived on a farm in California.
My father planted Concord grapes on both sides of the
driveway. About six vines on each side. Year after year
they produced many grapes, enough to make plenty of jelly
and juice to last our large family a whole year. My
brothers and I waited eagerly all summer long for the
green grapes to turn purple the last of August.
All through September and into October we ate all the
fresh grapes we wanted and still there was more than
enough for mother to can for jelly and juice. One good,
live branch gives a whole bushel basket of grapes.
So Jesus says a live Christian is like the branch that
grows many grapes. (read verse 1) He is good and kind
and does many good works. The Bible calls these good
works, "the fruit of the Spirit". The fruit of the Spirit
is love, joy, and peace. He makes us patient, kindly, good,
faithful, gentle, and gives us self-control. We don't
blow up, are not proud or jealous.
Do you have these fruits of the Spirit? Are you like a
branch that produces many grapes? You are and you will
continue to be a good branch if you "stay in Jesus".
Jesus says, "What I have said to you has already made
you clean." His Words about our sin and God's wonderful
love and mercy for sinners: His Word about Himself that
He is the Son of God our Savior who had died on the
cross for our sins; that God because of His perfect
offering upon the cross forgives our sins, and makes
us clean."
When you by the Holy Spirit accept Jesus for your Savior,
you become joined with Him the true Vine. His life and power
flows into you and gives you life like the sap of a vine
flows to the branches and gives life and makes them grow
many grapes.
So Jesus says, "Stay in Me, and I will stay in you. A
branch can't bear any fruit by itself if it doesn't stay
in the vine. Neither can you if you do not stay in Me.
I am the Vine, you are the branches. If you stay in Me
and I in you, you bear much fruit. Without Me you can't
do anything.
What does it mean, "stay in Jesus?" It means to regularly
hear His Words and believe them, practice them; depend
on His Words and promises. In verse 7 He says, "If you
stay in Me and what I say stays in you, ask for anything
you want, and it will be done for you." If we hear God's
Word, then when we pray He will hear our Words. If we
don't first hear His Words, then He will not hear our
words when we pray and nothing will be done for us.
When we hear God's Word then we begin to pray for the
things He loves and wants and He is glad to give us
what we ask.
But if we do not hear His Word then we are like a branch
that dies. We have no life and produce no fruits. Such
branches Jesus says are thrown into the fire. (You see
that branch on the banner disconnected from the Vine and
falling into the fire.) That is very sad to see happen.
Often we see that happen.
Some members stop hearing God's Word and they lose interest
and can't do any good works any more. God does not answer
their prayers. They do not pray for what He wants and loves.
Jesus is sad to see that happen and so is His Father.
In verse one Jesus says, "My Father takes care of the vine.
He cuts away any branch of Mine that bears no fruit, and
trims (prunes) any branch that bears fruit to make it bear
more fruit." And in verse eight Jesus says, "You glorify My
Father when you bear much fruit." On the banner you see the
hands reaching for the beautiful grapes. Those are the hands
of God. He watches and cares for the Vine and the branches
and He is very pleased and honored when fruits grow. He waits
and desires to see our fruits, our good works. God our Maker
and Keeper the Father who sent His Son to save us and join
us to the true Vine waits to see our fruits.
That ought to encourage us to give many precious fruits for
our wonderful Father. We should not be satisfied with a few
little grapes, as many seem to be. They don't see how the
Father adores the fruits. Look at His hands reaching for
the fruits. So stay in Jesus and bear much fruit.