August's Sermons

Church Period: Trinity The 19th Sunday After
Sermon Title: Whom Will You Serve?
Sermon Date: October 28, 1962
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Joshua 24:15

Dear Christian friends:

Many of our members have been working hard preparing for our Every Member Visit, E.M.V. Tomorrow evening we will begin training our lay visitors for the E.M.V. During our E.M.V. all of us will have to make a very important decision. We will be asked to decide for God. If we do not decide for God we are against Him. You cannot be neutral. Jesus says, "He that is not for Me is against Me."

We hope and pray that everyone of you will decide for Christ during our E.M.V. this year. To help us all decide for Christ let me ask you this question today:

Whom Will You Serve?

Will you serve money or Christ? During our E.M.V. the lay visitors will explain about our 1963 Church program and ask you to pledge weekly to support Jesus' work. By your pledge you will decide for or against Jesus. If your weekly pledge is below what you spend weekly for play and pleasure you will decide against Jesus. Let me show you: If you spend $10.00 for sports and other pleasures but pledge only $2.00 for church, you are deciding against Christ.

But if you with love and faith in Jesus pledge $10.00 or $15.00 for His church work and only spend $2.00 or $5.00 for pleasure you will make a strong decision for Jesus.

Also, during our E.M.V. we intend to ask you to pledge time and talents for Jesus' work through our church. How you decide to spend your free time and talents will show whether you are for Christ or against Him.

I'm sure if you look back on your past life and study how you decided to spend your time and money you will find that often you have decided against Jesus and for Satan. You who carelessly and lazily decided against Christ should think about that and where you have done that confess your sins and ask His mercy and forgiveness.

You who have been making decisions for Christ, thank God that He by His Spirit has led you to do this good work and continue in it with love and fear for God.

But you who have been lazy and careless, how long will you continue to decide against Christ? Will you wait until He corrects you with sickness, sorrow, or war? Have you been reading the papers about Cuba this past week? God is warning through the newspapers.

Confess your sins today and ask for His Holy Spirit to help you make good decisions and pledges for Jesus Christ. He is the only true God and Savior. Peter says, "There is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved." None other name except Jesus! No other Savior except Jesus. He is the Son of God. He died for you and rose again! Believe in Him and because of love for Him decide for Him during our E.M.V.

If you do this you will finally by His grace arrive with Him in heaven above. But if you carelessly or stubbornly decide against Him you will finally arrive in hell below.

In our text Joshua told the Jews choose today whom you will serve. Don't postpone this important decision. Decide while these words are still fresh in your minds. God says, " Today if you will hear His voice harden not your hearts." "Now is the accepted time, now is the day of salvation." (2 Corinthians 6:2)

You, who have talents and abilities for lay visiting, have you decided yet to use your time and talents for Christ? Will you be here tomorrow evening for our first training meeting? By tomorrow evening I will know your decision and so will Jesus.

Yes, all of you, decide today that you are for Christ and will show that you are for Him by good respectable pledges during our E.M.V. Today may be the last day you can decide for Christ. Berlin and Cuba should impress that upon you. And don't overlook the death notices in the newspaper. Your name may appear there tomorrow.

Remember Jesus says, "Whosoever shall confess Me before men, him will I confess before My Father in heaven and whosoever shall deny Me before men, him will I deny before My Father in heaven." (Matthew 10:32-33) "He that is not for Me is against Me."

Choose today whom you will serve. I and my house, will we serve the Lord.
