Dear Christian friends:
On Mission Festival the minister can preach
about various things: Jesus' Mission Command,
Mission Examples, Mission Challenges, Mission
Success or Mission Glory. But all that preaching
will do no good if we have no heart for missions
and for Jesus.
One day a pastor of a church here in America
said to a Missionary from India: "I have told my
congregation about mission work and about Jesus'
command to preach the Gospel in all the world,
but they don't care, and will not listen to me.
Perhaps if you tell them then they will listen
to you. The Missionary replied, "If they will
not listen to Jesus, they will not listen to me."
This afternoon you will listen to Rev. Buege tell
about missions in Asia and he will tell you to
wake up and suppor that mission work more. But if
you don't first listen to Jesus, you will not
listen to Buege. Your heart must be right first.
In our text the prophet Jeremiah tells us how to
get a right heart for God and His work. This we
need more than anything else. No so much brains
or tools or organization but right hearts and
How To Get A Right Heart for Missions
In our text the prophet Jeremiah tells the people
of the Jewish Church, "Let us search and try our
ways." The prophet here urges the people to search
and test their hearts. That is what we must do today
also, search and test our hearts. That is the first
step to getting a right heart for missions.
Now that doesn't mean that we should judge and test
the other members and forget about ourselves.
Jeremiah says, "Let us search and try our ways." No
one is excused from this searching and judging, not
even the prophet himself. Everyone of us must judge
himself or herself.
That is not easy to do. We quickly and easily judge
the other fellow and quickly see his faults and
then over-look our own (self) faults. One member
finds fault with the other; pastors blame the
people and people blame the pastor. This does not
help the church, but makes it go down more and
more. Let us each one today search his own heart
and judge themselves as this will help us all
get a right heart for missions.
Now the prophet says how we are to do this: "Let
us search and try our ways." We should judge all
our ways of thinking and doing, but chiefly today
our ways of doing mission work. We have only one
way through our giving money to Synod. Yes, we
have decided to give 15% of all our offerings for
District and Synod Mission work. We all know that.
But here the prophet says search your ways.
We are to look for something that is not easy to
find. That's why he uses the word "search."
For what should we search in our mission ways?
Search our heart or motives. Everything that man
does he does because of a motive. A car must have
a motor to pull it forward. If it doesn't have a
motor it will not go ahead. So man must have a motor
or motive that pulls him forward to work and do.
Most of the time money is man's motive. Because
he hopes to get money and praise man works hard
and goes ahead. Money or praise pulls him.
Now what pulls you to do mission work and to give
for missions? Ask yourself that question. Do you
do it because the pastor says so? If that is the
only motive pulling you, your mission giving
is sin even if you give $100 a year for missions.
Do you give because you want to show off? If
show-off pride is the motive pulling you that too
is sin. Do you give for missions because you feel
forced and do you give with complaining? That, too,
is a sinful motive pulling you.
What is the true motive for mission work? Love for
Jesus our Savior and love for lost sinners. Love is
the motor that should pull us forward eagerly and,
cheerfully in mission work. St. Paul the greatest
missionary said, "The love of Christ constraineth
(pulls) me." And if you study the life of St. Paul,
as some of you have during the past year in Bible
Class, you will see how love for Jesus and love for
lost men pulled Paul through many troubles and
sufferings to do mission work. Love for Jesus, that
motive pulled Paul in missions.
Is love the motive that pulls you? Maybe you give and
do nothing for missions. You have no motor. Do you
spend more for sports and pleasure than for missions?
If you do you have no motor for missions. Do you fail
to pray for missions and missionaries? Do you read and
study church papers like the Lutheran Witness to see
how our Synods missions are going ahead? We easily
read the papers about sports and can't wait to hear
who wins the football game. Do we read our church papers
and mission news as eagerly?
Yes we have many motors pulling us to do many selfish
and pleasurable things, but the big motor the Jesus
motor often is broke or stalled. The motors of Satan
pull us to do many things and much sin, but the Jesus
motor pulls us little or nothing.
Last year we gave on average $7.00 for missions. Many
of us spend ten times more for cigarettes, beer, and
other pleasures which are not necessary. So if we like
today search and judge our mission ways we will find
what Jeremiah found out about himself and the Jewish
Church of long ago. He says, "We have transgressed
and rebelled." So have we. Our Lord commands us to
love Him and obey Him and "Go preach the Gospel to
every creature." This we have not done very well.
Surely, today we cannot boast about our mission record.
We can only stand with shame before our God and pray,
"God be merciful to me, a sinner."
And this is exactly what the prophet wants us to do.
He says in verses 40 and 41, "Let us examine our ways
and test them, and let us return to the Lord. Let us
lift up our hearts and our hands to God in heaven."
Notice, the prophet is here speaking to church
members. Many of them had left the Lord and gone their
own way. They had their name in the church book, but
their heart did not belong. So the prophet invites us
also to come back to the Lord.
Today each one must stand before God and say with the
hymn writers:
Just as I am, without one plea,
but that thy blood was shed for me,
and that thou bidd'st me come to thee,
O Lamb of God, I come, I come.
Hymn: Just as I Am, Without One Plea
Without one plea. I have no excuse for my sin and
failure. I can't argue and defend my poor giving
and doing. I have only one plea, "but that thy
blood was shed for me, and that thou bidd'st
me come to thee, O Lamb of God, I come, I come."
"But if we walk in the light as He is in the light,
we have fellowship with one another, and the blood
of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves,
and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins,
He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and
to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:7-9)
Oh the great mercy of God!
We Christians know our duty and often fail. We can't
excuse ourselves and say we didn't know God's will,
like the unbelievers may. We deserve more punishment
than they. Yet our merciful God is ready to forgive
us again.
Let us return to Him with sorrow and true faith and
resolve to do His will in missions. Today as we receive
His body and blood given on the cross for us, for our
forgiveness, let us resolve to please the dear Savior.
By this His love will come to us more and more. We
will have the true Jesus motor pulling us forward in
missions without complaint or fear. And this Jesus
motor will lead us to love others who are still without
This afternoon Pastor Buege will show many pictures
about our church's missions and how you can go forward
in Missions with the love of Jesus pulling you. May
God give us all a right heart for missions.