Dear Christian friends:
During His life on earth Jesus often preached about
the "Kingdom of heaven." Sometimes He called it the
"Kingdom of God." Other times He called it the "Church."
In the Lord's Prayer Jesus teaches us to pray, "Thy Kingdom
come." This Sunday and for several Sundays in the future we
shall study several texts in which Jesus tells us about His
wonderful Kingdom.
Today He impresses upon us that His Kingdom is
powerful. We often feel that the Church is weak and become
discouraged. We need to be reminded by Jesus' words here
that His Kingdom is very powerful. This will encourage us
and give us hope and courage.
So today let us attend to our text and see
The Power of Christ's Kingdom
Like a mustard seed that grows and becomes the
largest of all garden herbs. In our text Jesus compares His
Kingdom with a tiny mustard seed. (Read verses 31-32)
31 Another parable put he forth unto them, saying,
The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed,
which a man took, and sowed in his field:
32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is
grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree,
so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches
Jesus says the mustard seed is "the smallest of all
seeds." So His Kingdom when it began was very small and
appeared very weak. It began the first Christmas at
Bethlehem when Jesus was born of Mary and laid in a manger.
One small, weak, helpless baby. Thirty years later He
began preaching Jesus had only twelve disciples and a few
other believers. After He died and arose and when He
ascended into heaven He had about five hundred believers.
Ten days later on the First Pentecost 3,000 people were
baptized. A few months after that we read in Acts that
there were 5,000 Christians. About that time God called
Paul and sent him to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles.
Paul made three great trips through the Roman
Empire preaching Jesus crucified and arisen, and by that
the Holy Spirit established many congregations throughout
the Roman Empire as far as Spain.
By the year 313 A.D. when Constantine was Emperor
the Christians were the chief religion in the Empire.
Missionaries had brought the faith to France, England,
Germany and Norway. Constantine himself became a Christian
and helped the Christian Church to grow in many ways. He
did not tax Church property. Built many beautiful churches.
Although the Roman Empire collapsed the Kingdom of
Christ continued and grew and spread until today it is
established all over the world with more than one billion
Like Jesus said, "The tiny mustard seed has grown
and become the largest of all garden plants, it becomes a
tree, big enough for the birds to come and nest in its
branches." Birds build their nests in the mustard tree.
They also eat the seeds that grow on it.
So the Church has become a strong shelter for many
people. It gives food and comfort for their souls.
Jesus in our text also compares His Kingdom to
yeast. (Read verse 33)
33 Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven
is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three
measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.
You woman who bake bread and make rolls know how
strong yeast is and that it quickly spreads through the
dough changing it from sweet to sour.
Here Jesus says His Kingdom is like yeast. Where
He establishes His Church people are changed from bad to
good. If we study history, we see that it is very true.
Before the Roman Empire became Christians they had many
bad habits and ways of living. Marriage and family life
was very bad. If they didn't want to have children they left
their babies out in the cold to die of exposure. A father
could kill his children and the government did nothing
about it. Women were not honored and respected. Slavery
was very common. Even their play was evil as you have
seen in some movies about the "Gladiators", sword fighters.
As more and more people became Christians these
evil habits and ways were given up. The teachings of Jesus
are very strong, like yeast, His Word changes mens hearts,
ideas and habits. Even those who do not believe in Him as
Savior from sin, are influenced and improved by the good
ideas and ways of many Christians. Without the Christian
Church no U.S.A.: also the deaf would have little.
Jesus' Kingdom is very powerful. Don't feel
discouraged. Don't think His Church is small and weak.
Thank God that He has called you to be a member of His
wonderful kingdom. Continue to support His Kingdom work.
Tell others of its power and influence.
Today we are worried about communism. Forty years
ago less than 2,000,000 people were under communism. Today
more than 1 billion people are under Communist rule.
The best way to fight communism is to support
Jesus' Church. Be a good church member here at home and
support world wide missions. In Viet Nam we are trying to
fight communism with guns and bombs and many of our young
men have died, more than 20,000 and we have spent about
200 billion dollars for supporting that war by income taxes.
And you see that's not a good way to fight communism.
Better way is Jesus' way. Don't send soldiers; send
missionaries to preach the good news of Jesus Christ.
Do kind and good works for the poor nations. Win their
hearts and minds to faith in God. Then they will not accept
One day communism will fail as all earthly powers of
the past have failed. But Jesus' Kingdom will never fail.
It is kept, supported and defended by His Word and Spirit.
Be happy and thank God that He has called you to be a
member of His wonderful kingdom.