August's Sermons

Church Period: The Twentieth Sunday After Trinity
Sermon Title: Many Are Invited, But Few Chosen
Sermon Date: October 19, 1969
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 22:1-14

Dear Christian friends:

Often people ask me, "Why do many people not believe in God? Why do only a few come to church? I don't understand." Often we see that many people do not come and join God's Kingdom and share with us the wonderful blessings in Jesus. And we wonder why? In our text Jesus answers that question. He says: "Many Are Invited, but Few Chosen," and then He tells us why.

Jesus tells a parable to help us understand. Why? First, He shows that we can't blame God if many people do not believe in Jesus and are lost in hell. Some people blame God, and say, "Well, God has all power, He can save all people if He wants to. He is love; He can't let anyone go to hell. But these people who blame God forget that He does not force anyone to believe. Man has free will to decide for or against God.

But these people are right about one thing: God is love. He loves all and wants to save all people from sin and hell. Here in the text Jesus compares heaven to a great wedding feast which a great king prepared for his dear son. When the wedding feast was ready the king sent his messengers to tell the people who before had received the invitation: "Look here! I have prepared my dinner. My bulls and fatted calves are killed and roasted, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding."

So God has prepared a wonderful heavenly home for us. Which will be great and beautiful and happy like a wonderful wedding feast. Although we are sinners and not worthy to come He has loved us anyway and has given His Son Jesus to die on the cross for our sins, so that we may believe in him and receive the forgiveness of sins and be worthy to come to his holy house.

And like the king in the parable He has sent His servants to invite us to come and believe. At all times and ages God has sent pastors prophets, evangelists and teachers and other people to preach to us the good news and invite us to come to His kingdom of heaven. Here in America we have many pastors and evangelists like Billy Graham and Dr. Hoffman of the Lutheran Hour on radio, T.V. and through newspapers, tracts and books God still today invites everyone to come to his wonderful kingdom of heaven.

God has done everything He could. Everything is perfectly ready. We can't blame God if many people do not accept His kind invitation and come.

Why do many not believe and come? Our text says, "They refused to come." So then the king sent his servants again a second time and urged them to come. "But they did not attend, and went away, one to his farm another to his business and some took the slaves and did mean things to them laughed at them and finally killed them. That's what the Jewish nation did to God's servants the prophets and ministers. You read the Bible History and you will see for yourself.

Today also many people refuse to hear God's kind invitation that He sends to them through His ministers evangelists and teachers. Some people mock and laugh at the church and the ministers and the Christians who invite them to believe in Jesus the Savior. Others make excuses and say that they are too busy. Many people don't want to give up their sinful ways and life. They are not ashamed of their greedy ways and proud deeds.

Some are proud and self-righteous. They act like they accept God's invitation. They join a church and help support it and go every Sunday, but in their heart they are not sorry and ashamed of their sins. They hide their sins and do not confess. Or they excuse themselves and stay very proud and self-righteous. They get upset at others who sin or fail and can't be kind or forgive others. These also, will not go into heaven.

They are like the one man here in the story which Jesus told. He came to the king's wedding feast, but he refused to put on the wedding robe. (It was the custom for the host to give each guest a beautiful white robe for the wedding when they entered the hall.) But this one man refused to put on the king's wedding robe and went in and sat down at the table in his own street clothes. So when the king came in and saw him the king ordered the servants to take him and throw him out.

So is everyone who trusts and depends on his own good works and does not in his heart believe in Jesus crucified and risen. That is why few will be saved and go with God in heaven.

So you and I should be careful. If we are lost and go to hell we can't blame God. God has done everything perfect to save us. Let us humbly hear His kind invitation and believe in Him.
