Dear Christian friends:
Are you surprised because I greet you this morning
as "children"? Maybe you think I have lost my mind
and you think, "Why does he call us children? We
are adults."
I have a good reason for calling you "children".
I do not mean to shame you or insult you by that,
no. But I wish to wake you up and impress upon
you the very important lesson which Jesus long ago
taught His disciples in our text. In this text He
taught them that everyone in His Kingdom, also
adults, must be like little children.
So today I want to preach to you about:
Jesus, The Children's Savior
In our text we read how some mothers brought babies
and children to Jesus to have Him touch them, but
the disciples told them to go away and not bother
Jesus with babies and children. But when Jesus saw
that He was much displeased and said to the disciples,
"Let the little children come to Me, forbid them not
(don't you forbid them). God's kingdom is for such as
So here Jesus strongly preaches to all of us adults
that babies and children are welcome in His Kingdom.
Although many, like the disciples think that babies
and children cannot believe, Jesus clearly says that
they can and they do. We read, "He took them in His
arms, laid His hands on them and blessed them." (verse 16)
"He blessed them." That means He showed mercy
and love to them. He forgave all their sins. He gave
babies and children faith, hope, joy and comfort in
Him their wonderful Savior.
Today Jesus blesses babies and children also. When we
bring them to Him in Holy Baptism. We cannot thank
Jesus enough for His care and plan to accept even
babies into His Kingdom through the holy act of
After the babies are baptized they continue to grow
in faith and comfort of Jesus when they experience
the love and kindness of mother and father. When
mothers and fathers are patient and kind to their
baby they are teaching that baby also the love of
God. Babies learn of God's love and kindness and
forgiveness when mothers and fathers are like Jesus,
kind and patient, especially when the baby yells and
cries for food or a change of diapers. Although babies
do not understand words and languages yet they still
learn of Jesus' love through the sweet tone of mother's
voice and her sweet and tender ways.
Sometimes parents are mean and cruel to their babies
when they cry and yell. Such parents do not show and teach
their baby the love and kindness of Jesus. Isaiah prophesied
of Jesus, "He shall gather the lambs in His arms, and
carry them in His bosom. Jesus did that with these babies
in our text. He continues to do that today through
Christian mothers and fathers. When mothers and fathers
love their babies and take good care of them they are doing
Jesus' wonderful work.
Later as the child begins to understand words and language
mothers and fathers should teach them at home to pray easy
prayers and songs. Also, show them pictures of Jesus and
tell them the wonderful stories of Jesus. When they are old
enough to go to Sunday School and Church parents should
bring them to Sunday School, Church and confirmation class.
They should also talk with the children sometimes and show
interest in their Sunday School books and lessons and
correct them and admonish them with God's love. Parents
should be kind and forgive their children when they sin. In
this way through daily life and experience the children
grow up with a true clear understanding of Jesus and what
forgiveness means. Don't be mean and strict parents who
can't forgive and can't forget.
Jesus is very displeased if we parents bother children and
forbid them to come to Him. As a church group we should
provide good Sunday School both for our own children and
for deaf children. Jesus wants them to come to Him and
receive His precious blessings. Jesus is the children's
He is also the Savior for adults. But Jesus says that we
must be like little children if we want to enter into His
Kingdom and stay in it. (read verse 15) What does this mean
for us? How are children different from adults? Children are
not proud or self-righteous like we adults. They are not too
proud to accept a free gift. Thursday evening you again saw
them come to your door and say, "Trick or treats." They
gladly accept free gifts. They humbly accept teaching and
advice. Children are like a clean white paper, you can write
anything you want on their hearts. They do not doubt or
question their father, mother or teacher. They are eager to
learn and follow.
That's exactly how we adults should feel about God our
heavenly Father. We must not be proud and self-righteous.
We must humbly confess our sins and unworthiness and that
we are helpless as babies, we can't save ourselves. Only
God's free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ can save us.
We must humbly accept that gift of God like children and
then not question or doubt God's Word but believe and
trust. We must also be eager to learn and follow our
heavenly Father's commandments. The we will be like
little children and can enter into His Kingdom and stay
in it.
The Bible often calls the believers, "the children of God."
Yes, Jesus is the children's Savior. Is He your Savior?