Dear Christian friends:
The popularity of military personnel varies a great
deal from time to time. At the present time in our
country's history military men are not highly
respected by many of our citizens. Much of it is
due to the unpopular war in Viet Nam. Also, many
members of the counter-culture seem to think that
all problems of the state can be solved without
resorting to the use of military power.
Certainly it would be great if we did not ever have
to use military force, but this is largely a pipe
dream, unrelated to the actualities of real life.
Any nation that down-grades and disregards its
military force is asking for trouble. Nations do
have enemies.
Likewise, any Christian who down-grades and disregards
spiritual weapons and armor is courting spiritual
disaster. Christians do have spiritual enemies. Distasteful
as war and warfare may seem to us, we nevertheless must
come to grips with it, whether we act as a citizen of
the state or as citizens of God's Kingdom.
Our text urges us to face up to our spiritual warfare. St.
Paul reminds us of the important truth that we are:
Soldiers Of The Cross
St. Paul tells us about our enemies since the Christian's
enemies are for the most part unseen or disguised he may
be lulled into thinking that he really has none. St. Paul
says we don't contend against flesh and blood, humans. He
speaks of, "the devil, principalities and powers, world rulers
of this present darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness
in the heavenly places." (verses 11-12)
These, he says, are our mighty and dreadful enemies. Our
enemies are tricky and deceitful. They may come disguised
as friends. They rise up in the absolute murderous power of
a Hitler or Mao. They come to us in the hierarchy of a
Christ denying church body or in the sheep's clothing of
an apostate parish pastor. They invade the minds, textbooks
and philosophies of our teachers and professors at schools
and colleges.
They try to twist, turn and demoralize our legislature and
law enforcement agents at every level of government. They
creep into our homes and hearts and tempt the members of
our families and ourselves and they are not without
victories as we very well know. The devils victory is when
he leads us to despair of God's mercy.
Our daily newspapers, weekly magazines and church periodicals
catalog their most notable victories, while myriads of them
are never recorded for they take place in darkness in the
hidden recesses of men's minds and in the secret chambers of
the great and the small, in the great city and the little
town. So formidable are they that no power on earth may
repel them.
So St. Paul exhorts us to "be strong in the Lord and in the
strength of His might." Martin Luther in his great
Reformation Hymn enlarges on this a bit when he writes:
"1. A mighty fortress is our God,
a trusty shield and weapon;
he helps us free from ev'ry need
that has us now o'ertaken.
The old evil foe
now means deadly woe;
deep guile and great might
are his dread arms in fight;
on earth is not his equal."
Hymn-A mighty Fortress is our God, A trusty Shield and Weapon
Paul does not merely say, "Be strong!" He knows better!
He knows better than to dredge the empty depths of human
helplessness in search of what isn't there. Paul knows that
every person is "a cry for help." Therefore, he says, "Be
strong in the Lord!" Turn to your true resources in Christ.
Claim your Christian birthright, and stand firm.
The age of the astronaut hasn't really changed a thing
although many foolishly think it has. It hasn't made the
battle less real. There are no atomic weapons for the
warfare of the spirit. In this war of wars only the armor
of God prevails.
In all warfare weapons must match weapons if one is to
win; therefore in the war against spiritual darkness, we
need spiritual armor, the armor of light.
Paul here lists our spiritual weapons: For defense, Truth,
Righteousness, the Gospel of Peace, Faith, Salvation; and
for offense, The Word of God. This is heaven's arsenal.
This is the equipment of the saints. None of these weapons
is forged on earth! Our strength is from above!
Let us storm God's arsenal and receive the tremendous
weapons which Christ our Lord and Savior has won for us by
His death and resurrection. Then we will have done all to
stand and we will stand in the evil day, even in the day
of our death when Satan makes a last ditch stand to lead
us to despair. In the face of all adversity we will sing
with Martin Luther:
Hymn: A mighty Fortress is our God, A trusty Shield and Weapon
"3 Though devils all the world should fill,
all eager to devour us,
we tremble not, we fear no ill:
they shall not overpow'r us.
This world's prince may still
scowl fierce as he will,
he can harm us none.
He's judged; the deed is done;
one little word can fell him.
4 The Word they still shall let remain
nor any thanks have for it;
he's by our side upon the plain
with his good gifts and Spirit.
And take they our life,
goods, fame, child, and wife,
though all may be gone,
our victory is won;
the kingdom's ours forever!"