August's Sermons

Church Period: Trinity 21st Sunday After
Sermon Title: Soldiers Of The Cross
Sermon Date: October 18, 1964
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Ephesians 6:10-17

Dear Christian friends:

Soldiers of the cross find their strength is in the Lord. St. Paul didn't say be strong, but "be strong in the Lord." There is no strength for this battle in man and his weapons. Our enemy is spiritual.

"The old evil foe, deep guile and great might are his dread arms in fight. On earth is not His equal." (Martin Luther, ML)

We are helperless against Satan and his temptation by ourselves. Only God can help us. "A mighty fortress is our God, a trusty shield and weapon; he helps us free from every need that hath us now overtaken." (ML)

"God is our refuge and strength, a very present (near) help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1) So if we are to win the good fight of faith we must look to God and to God alone and be in constant communion with Him.

But it isn't enough just to be in touch with the General. A soldier of the cross needs the right armor and weapons. Paul also tells about the defensive armor and weapons of the Christian soldier and its use.

The girdle of truth: An ancient solder used a girdle to tie up his long shirt so he would be free to run and fight without tripping over his gown. (Imagine me trying to run with this robe on.) So today soldiers of the cross are true soldiers not false or hypocrites. Only a true soldier will fight the hard fight of faith.

The breastplate of righteousness: The breastplate protected the heart and lungs and other vital organs of the soldier. Our Christian breastplate is a good conscience.

Shoes of the Gospel of peace: Shoes protected soldiers feet. The soldier without good feet is worthless. Paul says the Christian soldier has shoes of the gospel of peace. The chief work of a Christian is to tell the good news of God's peace for sinners to bring peace between God and man through the forgiveness of sins. This Gospel which we have to teach and preach also comforts and supports ourselves. As we feed it to others we eat some ourselves.

Soldiers of the cross are active witnesses and thereby receive the strength from the Gospel to fight against temptation. Are you a good witness of the Gospel? Do you put on the gospel shoes?

The shield of faith: We all know what a shield is for. Here Paul says we are to use the shield of faith to defend against the fiery darts of the devil. The devil tries to make us think we are too sinful. That God can't love us or forgive us. Especially in time of sickness or trouble or while we are dying. But if we believe that Jesus died for all our sins and all people then we have a wonderful shield against such temptations.

Do you daily put on your shield of faith? Faith comes by God's Word, remember!

The helmet of salvation: You know the helmet protects the soldiers head a very important part of his armor. Paul says our helmet is SALVATION. Because we know that at last we shall be freed from all trouble and temptation and have a wonderful victory and peace waiting for us in heaven, therefore we endure hard fighting like a good soldier. We know we shall get a final victory and salvation from all trouble so we refuse to quit or give up the fight no matter how hard that happens to be.

Do you become tired and feel to give up? Maybe you forget your helmet named SALVATION.

The sword of the spirit: All the other things were defensive weapons. Now we are also to take one offensive weapon a sword. You know a soldier without a sword is no good although he has a fine shield and helmet and shoes and other defensive things He can't win the battle without the sword, offensive weapons. The Minnesota Gophers yesterday had a good defensive team but a weak offensive team. They lost 14 to 0. So we Christians must take a good offensive weapon against the devil and all evil temptations. Our sword is the Word of God. Martin Luther says:

Though devils all the world should fill,
all eager to devour us,
we tremble not, we fear no ill:
they shall not overpow'r us.
This world's prince may still
scowl fierce as he will,
he can harm us none.
He's judged; the deed is done;
one little word can fell him.

Jesus spent forty days in the desert fasting and then the devil came to tempt him. He said three times to Satan, "It is written" and then he quoted God's Word to the devil. Jesus conquered him and didn't fall into his trap and temptation. Are you daily taking up your sword? With God's help let us remember our tools and to use them always.