August's Sermons

Church Period: The Twenty-Second Sunday After Trinity
Sermon Title: The Crown of Life, Our Hope
Sermon Date: October 25, 1959
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: James 1:9-12

Dear Christian friends:

Jesus says, "We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of heaven." After we become Christians our way is not peaceful and easy through this world. There are many temptations that may lead Christians to give up faith in Jesus their Savior. Riches are one temptation and poverty is another. Both riches and poverty are temptations to Christians. Here in America most are rich and that is more of a temptation than poverty to us. In our text James encourages us to be faithful through these temptations that we may finally receive the Crown of Life.

The Crown of Life, Our Hope

I. For the rich

James says, "Let the rich man rejoice in that (because) he is made low." Often the rich man doesn't want to hear about Jesus and his blood. He is deceived by his riches and believes that he is good enough and right without Jesus' merit and blood. That is the trouble with many Americans and also many deaf, and that is a temptation for you and me because we live in rich America. So thank God because he makes us low.

The rich man is chiefly made low by he preaching of God's Word. The law proves to him that in his heart he is sinful and unclean. Although he may appear very respectable outwardly nice, clean home car and clothes, yet inwardly (in his heart) he is a poor, sinful being, who can't even obey the First Commandment.

This knowledge of his sinfulness makes him low. He understands that all his riches and nice things can't earn life eternal; that he, too, like the poor man must beg from God, trusting only in the merits and blood of His Son Jesus Christ for the Crown of Life.

But when the rich refuses to hear this good Word of God about sin and Savior, then God may give the rich man trouble to make him wake up so he realizes he is not as smart and good as he first thought. God may give him sickness, loss of money, loss of honor or fame or loss of health. We should not fell bitter or complain when this happens, but think, "God is making me low that he may seek His Crown of Life, not a crown of gold."

So when God's Word and correction makes us low, let us rejoice. He is a kind and merciful Father and wants us to have eternal life; not money. So let us not rejoice because we are rich, but let us rejoice because God loves poor and needy sinners, no matter if they are rich or poor.

II. For the poor

James also has comfort for those who are poor and tempted with poverty. He says, "Let the brother of low degree rejoice in that he is exalted." Even here in America we find some who are poor and have not enough food and clothing. This is their temptation. The poor man is tempted to feel bitter or complain against God and others or be jealous of the rich. He is jealous of the crown of gold. But the poor Christian should remember that God loves him as He loves the rich and that he also has the Crown of Life through faith in Jesus Christ's. Illustrate by "Rich Man and Poor Lazarus" blood just as the rich man. God exalts the poor in Jesus with the rich, and His Crown of Life Everlasting will shine as brightly on the poor as on the rich. In God's Kingdom of glory there is neither rich or poor.

III. For All

So no matter whether we are tempted by riches or by poverty, for both are temptations, let us endure believing through these temptations. James says, "Blessed is the man that endureth temptation; for when he is tried he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love Him."

If we really love Jesus it matters not whether we are rich or poor. Christians want only to see Jesus more dearly and receive His Crown of Everlasting glory. May He give us the hope of glory that we may win in every temptation.
