August's Sermons

Church Period: Trinity 23rd Sunday After
Sermon Title: Our Duty To Church And State
Sermon Date: November 5, 1972
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 22:15-22

Dear Christian friends:

Next Tuesday many of us will go to vote for a president and congressman. Other state, county, city positions as well as school bonds and state income tax repeal etc. will also be on the ballot.

We have a very good text here to help us prepare for next Tuesday, because in our text Jesus gives us Christians good advice about our relationship to the government and to the church. He also tells us how the church is related to government. Here in the text Jesus shows us:

Our Duty To Church And State

Jesus seems to support the idea of separation of church and state. The Jews asked Him, "Must we pay taxes to Caesar or not?" Jesus answered, "To Caesar you give his things; and to God you give His things." So Jesus wants us to support both church and state, but support them in separate and different ways.

We Christians are citizens of two kingdoms: the kingdom of man and the kingdom of God. We belong to the USA and we also belong to the Holy Christian Church. We should not mix these two kingdoms, but keep them separate.

In some countries the church and state are not separate. In the Old Testament the Jewish Church and government were joined in one. We call that a Theocracy. Since the time of Constantine the Roman Catholic Church and the government were joined in one kingdom, called the "Holy Roman Empire." After the Roman Catholic Empire broke up due to Martin Luther and others various countries and governments adopted either the Catholic or the Protestant faith as the state church.

Even today in Europe most countries have a "state church." Either Catholic or Lutheran or Anglican or Reformed faith is taught in the public schools and the churches and pastors are state officials supported by taxes.

Here in the USA and Canada church and state are separate. The government does not control the churches and does not support them with taxes. The members of each church support their own buildings, pastors, teachers and other full time workers. Each group is free to teach their own faith and not forced in anyway by the government.

We in America feel that is the best way to have church and state fully separate. We think that is what Jesus means here when He says, "To Caesar give His things." (verse 21)

If you mix the two, you make much trouble and the true purpose and work of the church is lost. Church becomes only another agency of the state to help keep law and order. That is not the business of the church. The business of the church is to preach salvation and bring everlasting life in Jesus' Name!

So we must be careful and watch the legislature and not let them pass laws that mix church and state. Maybe we should even pay property taxes on our church buildings and lands. As you know, in most states they do not tax churches. Some church leaders are saying that we should pay taxes like everyone else. If we do not pay taxes that is like getting a subsidy or support from the government. That is a little bit of mixing of church and state.

By these words: "You pay to Caesar his things; and you pay to God His things," Jesus also means that we should support with our money and skills both the government and the church.

The government serves us daily in many wonderful ways. We would have a terrible mess and couldn't work or play or live without good, strong government. City Council, police and fire departments, water and power departments, garbage department and others are all vital. We should thank God for our fine city, county, state and national government.

Next Tuesday we have a good opportunity to give help and attention to our government. Every Christian should study the differences between the candidates running for for various offices. Also study about the various propositions and school bonds. Vote wisely!

Don't only think of yourself, but think of what is good for the whole city: 2.5 million for new schools. Some people who do not have children will not vote for that, they are thinking only of themselves.

We should also pray for our government and help them in their difficult work. Also gladly pay our taxes. Jesus says, "You give to Caesar His things." True we should try to stop waste in government. It seems like much cheating and waste sometimes. After we have done all we can to stop waste, we should then gladly pay our taxes, not cheat, but pay and be glad we have a good government.

So also should we pay for our church. Jesus says, "You pay to God His things!" That means we should support our church, too, same as we support our government. Our church helps us and serves us in many ways: Advises and helps us when we get married; Baptizes are babies; helps us to teach our children to grow up in God's way; provides worship services each Sunday; gives us the Lord's Supper and makes sure to us God's love and forgiveness; helps us when we have marriage and family problems; gives comfort and support when a loved one in our family dies; provides classes and socials so we can grow and mature in our faith and service; prints and prepares many books to help us improve in our faith and life; gives us the opportunity to join in doing evangelistic work and world mission work; provides other opportunities for us to join and help in charity like Luther Social Services.

So we should gladly support our church and thank God because He has given us a good and strong church and made us members in that. We should give at least 3% of our income to church.

Yes, we are debtors. The church and the state are God's institutions for our good and protection. We owe much thanks to God for that and we owe generous and thankful support.

May God pity us and forgive us because often we complain and do not gladly do our duty to church and state. May He make us more aware to see and may He help us appreciate the good things He gives us through church and state, and may He give us glad and eager hearts to support both church and state.
