Church Period: The Twenty-Fourth Sunday After Trinity
Sermon Title: God's Cry In This Crisis
Sermon Date: November 24, 1963
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Jeremiah 22:29
Dear Christian friends:
Eager to hear the word of men T.V., Schools, and
magazines, but who is eager to hear the word of the Lord?
50% don't belong to any church. Only 1/2 of members go to
church each Sunday. Below 10% go to Bible class. Only 5%
have daily Bible reading and prayer at home.
And while God's messengers preach His Word and that
word of God's Son crowned with thorns and nailed to a cross
proving God's hatred of sin, but His victorious love for
sinners, many in our nation cry "Away with Him, and chose
Barabbas, like the mob before Pontius Pilate, rather than
Jesus the Savior of their souls.
Then they are surprised because God suddenly takes
away their president. Our nation should not be surprised.
But rather humbly and with shame seek the voice of God. By
our president's death God in mercy is warning our nation,
"O earth, earth, earth, hear the Word of the Lord." As
long as our nation refuses to hear God's Word and boldly
and without shame breaks His Commandments - Bobby Baker
scandal now. Bribery, cheating, crookedness in high
government places. Our hatreds against the Negroes and
others - as long as we mock His Commandments about holy
marriage and sex - we cannot expect His blessing on our
nation; But more trouble and destruction. But if our
nation will hear God's kind and merciful Word in Jesus
Christ God will bless and improve us. The Bible says:
"Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach
to any people."
Our churches, too, in this crisis must with
shame and grief attend to God's cry: "O earth, earth,
earth, Hear the Word of the Lord."
Many churches today do not hear God's Word and
teach it fully and truly. Teach and preach the words and
ideas of man rather than the holy wonderful word's of God.
They deny that the Bible is God's true Word. They deny
that Jesus is the Son of God born of a virgin. They deny
that there is a heaven and a hell. They teach that man
can be saved by his own good character and works.
Many churches such as our Lutheran Church who teach
and preach God's word correctly are not hearing His command
to share that word with others, Mission work, Sunday School,
Bible class. We are very careless to hear His Word about
our duty to support Church. We deserve this trouble - God
taking away our president. God is calling to our churches
"O earth, earth, earth, hear the Word of the Lord." Hear
God's Word, O Church. Be ashamed and grieve for your
laziness and carelessness. Believe His wonderful promises
that He will supply all your needs and be with you unto the
end of the world as you faithfully do His work on earth.
By taking our president from us, God is crying not
only to our nation and churches but also to each one of us
seated here today. He cries to you and you and you: "O
earth, earth, earth, Hear the Word of the Lord." Love His
Holy Bible as your dearest thing on earth. Read it, study
it, think about it all the time. Defend it with brave faith;
because His Word gives that precious wonderful truth that
God loves and forgives sinners through His crucified and
risen Son, and it is the only truth upon which we can
establish our hope for a happy future on earth and after
we die.
You may be troubled by your sins and how easy you
fall into temptation. But in His Word you have power that
is stronger than mans might or Satan's legions - you have
the blood of Jesus Christ which cleans us from all sins,
the Spirit that can make you strong to live in right and
holy ways.
You may be afraid because of the troubled news
in the papers. You may tremble and fear when you
think of old age and not enough money. You may worry
about losing your job. You may have trouble and problems
in your family with your wife or husband or children. But
when you hear the Word of the Word, and in Jesus' name put
all your troubles on Him because He cares for you: When
you accept His gracious call, "Come unto Me, and you come
trusting like children, your saddened, troubled heart will
be filled with peaceful joy and hope. You will know that
earth has no sorrow that Heaven cannot heal. You will
receive the comfort that God is stronger than you and can
command by one Word the storms in your life to be still.
You may be faced with terrible sickness and death.
Your doctor or pastor says you have only 2 months left to
live. You may be 70 or over and you know God's limit of
3 score and ten years. You know your day to die is very
near and you fear and despair. But if you turn from your
helpless thoughts and the helpless friends and doctors and
hear the Word of the Lord and His promise: "If a man keep
My saying, He shall never see death", then, thank God, you
know that although you die, you live, live in God now and
Surely today in the death of our president God in
great mercy and kindness admonishes us to "hear the Word
of the Lord" with all its wonderful promises of support
and life and glory. May God give us mercy and help to hear.