Dear Christian friends:
There is one thing the Bible makes plain and that
is that the earth will not continue forever. And when it ends
a new life begins. The unbeliever doesn't think about life
after death and denies it. He thinks that death ends our
life. He says there is no judgement day and no heaven or
hell. He lives and plans and hopes only for this life on
earth. He lives for man, himself. This is man's world and
man's day. He doesn't believe that this is God's earth and
God's day. He says, "There is no God. There will be no
day of the Lord."
But the Lord's day will come. Peter in our text
makes that very clear. We, too, are tempted to think and
often act like there is no God and He will never come to
judge. We act like God is far away and doesn't see or judge
what we do or fail to do. We do not fear God or thank God.
If we really strongly believed in God and Judgement Day,
we would do better, live more holy. So, we, too, need this
impression and warning from Peter:
The Lord's Day Will Come
I. The certainty of this
Peter says that in the last days scoffers (mockers)
will come saying: "Where is the Lord? Why doesn't He keep
His promise and come, if there is a God. He says He will
come and destroy the earth and judge all. Where is He? Why
doesn't He come? The earth is very old and it still works
good. Scientists say the sun will burn for 50,000,000 more
years. All things are going on the same today as 6,000
years ago.
They think that because God waits and waits and waits
many years, maybe there is no God. Maybe there is no
Judgement Day. Maybe there is no heaven or hell.
Sometimes you and I think that way too, and we
become careless in serving God. That is a dangerous thing
to think and do. Now Peter answers these scoffers and
doubters. He says in verse five that these scoffers and
doubters are stubbornly ignoring something that happened a
long time ago. That certain terrible happening should warn
them not to doubt or mock about Judgement Day. What do they
ignore and try to forget or explain away or deny? The flood,
Peter says God promised through Noah to destroy the earth and
all wicked. But He gave them 120 years to hear Noah's
preaching. But they mocked Noah and said he was crazy to
build the large ship on dry land far from the ocean. But
finally the rain began and it rained forty days and forty
nights and the waters broke above and deep in the earth.
The people were surprised but it was too late.
People who doubt stubbornly about Judgement Day
ignore or deny the Flood. Now Peter explains that the first
time God destroyed the earth with water, but now He is saving
it to destroy it with fire (v. 7).
So we should not think because God waits and waits a
long time that He has forgotten His promise about Judgement
Day. He has not forgotten and He will not change His mind.
He will come when He is ready. Why does He wait and wait?
Peter explains, "He is patient, shows mercy, not wanting
any to perish (in hell) but that all should be sorry and
believe in Jesus Christ the Savior. Because of His great
mercy God suffers this sinful world to continue that His
Gospel may be preached in all the world. Jesus said, "This
Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, and
then the end come" (Matthew 24:14) We often wonder why God
permits our sinful world to keep going. We think of the
terrible wickedness that happens daily all over the world
Mr. Nikita Khrushchev and the Communists. That captain,
Julian Harvey on the Bluebelle who killed his wife and
four other people and when the girl was rescued He got scared
and killed himself. We read about and see such terrible sin,
greed, and selfishness daily. Also our own hearts are full
of greed and selfishness. How can the holy God suffer us any
more? He suffers this wicked world to continue to give more
time for preaching and for people to hear and wake up and be
sorry and believe in Jesus Christ who died on the cross for
all. He has not forgotten His Word and promise. He will
come and judge. The Lord's Day will come. It will come like
a thief in the night, when you don't expect it.
II. The lesson in this
There is a very good lesson in all this for you and
me. Peter says, "Since all these things are to be dissolved,
what sort of persons ought you to be in lives of holiness and
godliness, waiting for and hastening the coming of the day of
God." (v. 11, 12)
Since we know that the Lord's day will come, we ought
to be more eager in doing and practicing our precious faith in
Christ Jesus. Don't love this life and this earth, your body
your house or money. It will all be destroyed. Love God!
Serve God! Do His will! Not the wicked will of your selfish,
sinful heart. Daily confess your sins and ask God to help you
forsake them and give them up. Look to Jesus every day who
died for you. Trust Him for mercy and forgiveness.
Then by His power wait with joy for the Lords' Day.
Help it come quicker by supporting the gospel preaching with
your prayers, your personal witness and your offerings.
There's gonna be a great Day and a great new world and
life after that. Lets be ready when it comes. God have mercy
and help us!