Dear Christian friends:
Today is the last Sunday of the Church Year, and
so we come to the end of another year. This ought to remind
us, because we are wise, that all things here on earth end.
This hour will end; this day will end; this month will end
and this year will end. So also our life will end when we
die, also this world will end, and will be destroyed.
Our experience in nature should daily remind us of
this, if we our wise and stop to think. Also in the Bible
Jesus clearly warns us about the end of all things and His
coming to judge all people.
But often we forget this and don't want to think
about this and live carelessly and foolishly. We often
live as if we do not believe in God or that our life on
earth will end. We live as if there is no heaven or hell
after this life on earth. So Jesus in the Bible says many
words to admonish us and to help us wake up and stay awake.
Here in our text He tells about ten girls: five who
were wise and five who were foolish. Then He says,
Keep Awake!
Why? Why should we keep awake. Why must Jesus urge
us and admonish us to stay awake? Because many members of
the church are sleeping and all are tempted to fall asleep
and forget about God.
In the story Jesus says five girls were foolish.
Why? Because they did not bring enough oil to keep their
lamps burning and when the bridegroom came very late their
lamps had gone out. They had no light and could not meet
the bridegroom without light.
What is Jesus trying to teach us by this story?
Jesus is the Bridegroom. The church is the "bride of Christ"
Often the Bible uses that idea or comparison. As a bride
and her maids must prepare themselves and make themselves
beautiful for the bridegroom, so the church must be perfect
and beautiful to meet Jesus when He comes on the Last Day,
the Judgment Day.
If you are not perfect and beautiful and fully
prepared when Jesus comes again in all His beauty and
glory you will not get to to go into the heavenly wedding
celebration. The door will be closed. And although you knock
on the door and yell and complain like the five foolish
girls, Jesus will not open for you. He will say, "I don't
know you."
Jesus wants us to wake up and understand that our
time on earth is limited, very short and we must get ready
to meet Him and stay ready or it will be too late, and we
will be left out in the darkness forever. Don't think you
have plenty of time later. Now is the time to get ready.
How do we get ready and stay ready to meet Jesus
when He comes in glory? Do like the five wise girls in the
story. They took extra bottles of oil with their lamps,
and when the bridegroom delayed His coming and their oil was
low they quickly poured in more and kept their lamps burning
brightly. Then when the bridegroom finally came, they were
prepared and beautiful and the groom accepted them into the
wedding hall.
So we must have ourselves fully prepared and beautiful
for Jesus when He comes on the Last Day, or when we are near
death. How do we make ourselves ready and beautiful for
Jesus? By hearing and believing the Good News, that He is the
Son of God who long ago came from heaven was born of the Virgin
Mary suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified dead and
buried, the third day He arose again and ascended into heaven
and sitteth at the right hand of God the father almighty from
thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
We must have strong faith in Jesus and keep our faith
strong and burning brightly to show us the way through this
dark world. Our life in this sinful world is not easy. Daily
we must fight temptation. Sometimes we doubt if Jesus will
come again and save us. It is hard to resist the temptations
of the devil and our own greedy heart. We feel like giving up
and joining with the sinners in the world. So Jesus says,
"Keep awake!" Keep your faith strong by hearing His Word and
remembering His promises in the Bible.
The five foolish girls did not bring an extra bottle
of oil. This shows they were not sincere wedding girls, false.
They are like church members who do not really believe in Jesus.
They do not really believe about the end of the world and about
heaven and hell. They join the church for other reasons.
Maybe because they feel forced by parents or wife or husband.
Maybe because they want to visit their friends. Maybe because
they want to feel proud and important and show off. Maybe
because they like the minister or his wife. Maybe because
they want to join the dart ball team or the bowling team or the
basketball team. They are not eager about Jesus and don't hope
for the end of this world and this life. They like it here and
don't want to leave. They are hypocrites. Although they are
baptized and confirmed and members of a church, like Prince of
Peace they are foolish and will not be ready for Jesus when He
comes again.
When they grow old and get very sick they will panic
and search around and try to get faith and get ready like the
five foolish girls tried to borrow oil from the five wise, but
the five wise said no if we give you some, we will not have
enough for ourselves, go to the sellers. But while they went
to the sellers the bridegroom came. They did not have enough
time to get ready. They waited too long. They did not prepare
themselves before.
So you and I must not wait until we are old and near
death or wait till the earthquakes and floods happen or the
stars fall. In time of trouble people panic, Now while
you have youth and calm and time get ready. Be wise! Wake up
and stay awake!