August's Sermons

Church Period: Trinity 2nd Sunday After
Sermon Title: God's Kingdom, A Kingdom For Sinner's
Sermon Date: June 23, 1968
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 9:9-13

Dear Christian friends:

Last Tuesday evening I went to the Art School in Edina to get my wife. The teacher and some of the women were talking about church when I arrived. The teacher told me she didn't go to Church because she felt many church members were false, hypocrites.

So I said, "You must understand that church members are not perfect. We are all sinners. God's Kingdom is for sinners. People often fail to understand that and misunderstand about the Church. So let us attend to our text. Here Jesus Christ shows

God's Kingdom, A Kingdom For Sinners

I. Christ calls the tax collector, Levi.

A. They were notorious sinners. Explain Roman tax policy.

1. Auctioned out tax territory to a "Farmer" usually a rich Roman. He paid a large sum of money for this right.

2. Rich Roman hired Jews to do the real work in the tax office. Levi collected in Capernaurn. The rich Roman let them charge more than the law's limit. The extra they kept for their use. Often they charge double. Kept one-half for themselves.

3. The Jewish people hated the Romans who had conquered their country and hated them more because they taxed so highly. Any Jew who agreed to work for them was considered a traitor to his country.

B. But Jesus did not hate the Publicans. He knew they were sinners and crooks. But He also knew that the other Jews were sinners and crooks, too. Even the Pharisees who were very careful to obey the laws and were highly respected, He called sinners!

C. So it ought to be plain to us that God's Kingdom is for sinners. Here Jesus calls one to be one of the 12. No doubt Matthew had heard Jesus preach before and seen His miracles. Matthew wanted to join with Jesus, but he did not feel worthy. When Jesus invited him, He was very happy. He dropped his work, quits his sinful life, and went with Jesus.

Do you feel unworthy, not good enough, to be a church member. That's all right we all should feel that way because we are all sinners. Jesus invites you to come anyway. Do you know deaf who feel this way? Many do. They hide it. Invite them. Be kind to them.

II. Jesus accepts sinners into His Kingdom

This is more clear when we read that Jesus later went to eat with them.

A. Levi was very happy that Jesus forgave his sins and accepted him. He made a fine dinner for Jesus and His disciples.

Then he thought about his old friends, other tax collectors and sinners, probably some bad women, prostitutes and thieves. Levi knew how they felt in their heart ashamed and afraid of God. Often they acted tough and mean and criticized the respectable people, but deep in their hearts they were ashamed and afraid. Matthew told them how Jesus was kind to him. He said, "Jesus will be kind to you, too. Come to my dinner and meet him. So many of them gladly came and ate with Jesus, Jesus told them about God's love and forgiveness.

B. So we should have plenty of proof here that God's Kingdom is for sinners. But do we really believe it? I'm afraid that many do not believe this. They think God's Kingdom is only for good and respectable people.

When the Pharisees saw Jesus accepting sinners into His Kingdom they were displeased and upset. They asked His disciples, "Why does your Teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners." Jesus heard what they said and corrected them. He very clearly shows them and us also that God's Kingdom is for sinners. He explains that He came into the world to save sinners. He says, "Those who are healthy don't need a doctor, but the sick.... I didn't come to call righteous people but sinners." (verses 12-13)

A few days ago while we were having our family prayer and Bible reading one evening after supper my daughter Sarah asked, "Are you S.W.S.?" I said, "What do you mean, S.W.S.? I never heard of that before. "She answered, "Sick With Sin." I said, "Oh, I see. Good idea." I answered, "Yes, I am S.W.S." Are you S.W.S.?

When we are proud and self-righteous. When we become angry and hate others and wish to get revenge, we are S.W.S. After M.L.K. was shot and then R.F.K. many said our nation is sick with violence. Annually we kill 6,000 people with guns. You say, "Not me!" Here in our church I see one member angry and upset with the other. Quit choir, quit Ladies Guild. Refuse to forgive and forget and work together. We too, are often S.W.S.

Here Jesus says He came to save people who are S.W.S. How? He came with love, mercy, and kindness. He accepted man's lies and hatred and insults. He accepted and suffered our sins as His own. Finally He paid for the punishment of our sins upon the cross. Why? So we can see how terrible our sins are and be ashamed and sorry. Also, so we will believe that God loves us and forgives us in Jesus Christ. He helps us by His spirit to be free of hate, anger and revenge and to be happy and thankful, patient, trying to understand others and forgiving them as He has forgive us. By His love and cross Jesus heals us from S.W.S.

Then we join together with all other members of God's Kingdom and cheerfully thank God and work together to add new members to His Church or Kingdom.

If we will remember that God's Kingdom is for sinners and all of us are sinners whom He loves and tries to heal, we will be more patient and kind with others who may fail and sin and also hurt us.

May God help us to see this.
