Church Period: Trinity 4th Sunday After
Sermon Title: Hope For Heaven's Glory
Sermon Date: June 25, 1961
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Isaiah 65:17-19
Dear Christian friends:
Last Tuesday Rev. Herbert J. Miller, Pastor of Mount
Olive Lutheran Church in Minneapolis was found dead in his
study room at the church. He was not sick before and was
only thirty-nine years old. He had been second pastor at
Mount Olive for three years. Two months ago he became 1st
pastor and the old pastor Rev. Schroeder, stepped down to
2nd place. All the people were thinking, "Now we have a
nice young pastor who will lead our church for many years
while the old pastor quietly retires and fades away." But
God had other ideas. He in his wisdom and mercy decided
to take the young pastor home to heaven first.
We never know when when God will let us die and go
to heaven. Last Tuesday morning Mrs. Miller never thought
that here husband would die in church and probably he didn't
expect that either.
God wants us to be ready always to die and go home
to heaven. Not only that but He wants us to wait anxiously
for heaven and hope to go there. Heaven should be a Christians
chief goal in life.
Our eyes, hearts and souls should hope and aim for
heavenly joy and glory. But often we forget this and become
too busy and too eager for worldly goals. Young people
eagerly hope for marriage and establishing a nice home and
often let that become their chief desire and don't care about
heavenly hope. In their eagerness to find a wife or husband
they often despise church and God's will and do many careless
and sinful things. Older people perhaps do not anymore hope
about marriage they already have married and do not think
much about that. But they hope for better home or better
job or nice comfortable retirement. People work hard to get
their worldly goals. Some have two jobs. Often both husband
and wife work. Children are neglected and home life fails.
Often they ruin their health or steal and cheat to arrive at
these worldly goals.
True, we must have goals. We must think and hope for
marriage. We must study and plan for our life work. We must
plan and save for a house or car and other things and we must
plan for our retirement. But we make a big mistake if we let
these worldly goals and hopes become chief hopes and goals and
don't care about the hope for heaven. Always heaven should be
our chief goal and hope. All other things must be kept second
and third and last.
That is why God in many lessons of the Bible explains
about the great joy and glory of heaven. He does here in our
text. That is also why He lets us Christians have much sorrow
and trouble in marriage in our homes and work and life. In
mercy He wants to teach us, "Don't love the world or hope in
those goals. Be tired and fed up of that and turn to Me and Hope
for Heaven.