August's Sermons

Church Period: Trinity 4th Sunday After
Sermon Title: We Are Salt And Light For The World
Sermon Date: July 7, 1968
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 5:13-16

Dear Christian friends:

Last Thursday, July 4, 1968 we celebrated Independence Day or the birth of our nation, now 193 years old. God has very greatly blessed our nation during these many years, so that today we are the richest and strongest country on earth. But you know and I know that today our country is in serious trouble. There is much hatred and fighting between various groups in our nation.

We Christians must be very strong during these days of trouble and help lead our nation into the way of peace and righteousness. God is depending on us to do this.

In our text Jesus says that each Christian and Christians joined together in the Church are "salt" and "light" for the world. Often we forget how very important we are. Without the Christian Church the nations of the world would become very wicked that they would quickly destroy each other as God would become very displeased with them and fed up that He would destroy them as He long ago destroyed the nations with the great flood and saved only Noah and His family.

Here Jesus encourages us Christians to be strong and brave. We need such encouragement because we think we can't help our country. We can. God is depending on us. He says:

We Are Salt And Light For The World

What does that mean? Jesus says, "You are the "salt" of the earth." What do we use salt for? We salt our food to make it taste better. Without salt the food has little or no taste. It does not satisfy and give us pleasure. Also salt is used to purify food and water to keep it from spoiling or becoming rotten and worthless.

So God wants us Christians to remember that we are like salt for the world. By loving God and loving our neighbor we help make the world a better place. The unbelievers in the world are full of selfishness, greed and hate, but we Christians are filled with God's Holy Spirit because we have love, mercy, kindness and forgiveness. By showing that to people we help influence them and improve them and God is pleased, and suffers our nation.

In Nebraska there is one small town and all the people in that town belong to a large Lutheran Church. They have no jail and no policeman. They don't need any. The people are good and kind and do not break the laws. So in other cities of our country where there are many churches and the church members are strong and do their duty. In those cities there is little trouble. The jails are empty. The police are idle and the judges work only half time. Also taxes are low.

But in cities where churches are weak there you find many police, full jails, and judges working overtime and high taxes. Same here in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Many churches but the members are weak so we have many police and much trouble, lots of crime. But weak as the churches are, they are still "salt" and crime would be much worse without our Christian churches. This is true also for the deaf people of Minneapolis and St. Paul. If we did not have Prince of Peace and Bread of Life Church and the Catholic Church for the deaf sin and crime among the deaf would be much worse. More divorce and broken homes, more on welfare.

So you see, Jesus wants to encourage you. He says, "You are "salt" for the world." He wants you to remember that and be strong in Christian Worship to God. Thank and praise Him. Love and respect your wife as a gift of God to you. Don't use her only to satisfy your sexual desire, and when she is old or fat or sick forsake her like the unbelievers do in the wicked world.

Don't see your neighbor as someone to use and abuse for selfish reasons, pleasure or profit. See and respect your neighbors as children of God. Help them, protect them be patient with them and forgive them.

You are salt for the world. If you are not it shows that you do not really believe in Jesus. Here Jesus says, "If salt has lost its taste or power it is no good. People throw it out and walk on it. So church members who are weak and fail to do what Jesus commands are no good. All people despise them.

So Jesus encourages us to be salt for the world. Be a good influence on others. He encourages us more when He says: "You are the light of the world." By that Jesus means about the same. We Christians must live and do right. By that we show the dark world the way of God. Jesus says, "A town can't be hid when it is built on a hill." He means the church should be active and strong. Then all the people in the city and nation will see it and be impressed. Jesus says, "You don't light a lamp and hide it under a basket, but you put it on a lamp stand where it gives light to everybody in the house. So let your light shine before people that they may see the good you do and praise your Father in heaven."

Sometimes church members want to hide their good works they say, "I don't want to brag or show off, so I will not let anyone know what I am doing. They don't want their name printed on the honor roll for offerings and keeping pledges. If you think like that you are failing to see what Jesus says here. You are to let people see your good works, so they praise your Father in heaven, not you. Then when someone says, "Why do you give so much money to church?" You can answer, "Because God has blessed me with good health and a good job. He has touched my heart and I want to show my thanks to Him. Without God's Spirit I would be selfish and not give thanks." If you will answer people like that they will be impressed and themselves may accept Jesus for their Savior and join with you in praising God!

I hope each one of us will remember that we are salt and light for the world. This will give us strength and courage to do our duty of love and faith. That will help our country and by that many will be led to faith in the Savior and find eternal life in heaven.
