Dear Christian friends:
Christians are different than non-Christians. We
may dress the same and have the same jobs and live in the
same kind of houses, but how we think and feel is different.
Also, how we think and feel about our daily work or job is
different. We can show if we are a Christian or not by our
work. In our lesson we see Peter doing his daily work.
Peter showed his faith in Jesus by how he worked. So, let
us talk about that idea today:
Daily Work - A Test of Our Faith
We see that Peter did not think of his work as the
most important activity of his life. He was working hard
mending his fishing net when Jesus asked him to drop that
work and let Him use his boat for a pulpit, verse three.
Peter could have made some excuses about being too busy
and that he must hurry to get the nets ready for the evening
fishing. But Peter made no excuses. He dropped his work
and rowed his boat with Jesus sitting in it a little ways from
the shore so Jesus could preach to the people standing on the
A Christian should have the same idea about his work
as Peter did. He should be a good, faithful worker, not
careless or lazy, but he must not be a slave to his work, like
many people are. A Christian drops his work to attend to
other things just as important: his family, community, church
and neighbors. It is easy to neglect our family, church or
neighbors need and make the excuse, "I have to work. I am too
Some people always work overtime and some even have two
jobs. Then, of course, they have no time for their family,
community, church or neighbors. This does not show faith in
God. But the Christian worker will work a reasonable time,
and then drop it, trusting in God to keep him and his family.
He will not neglect his other duties to his family, community,
church or neighbors.
When a Christian worker is successful he gives all
praise to God. He does not boast about how good he is or how
much smarter he is than someone else. Peter gave praise to God
when they caught the many fishes, verse 8. After He had
finished preaching, Jesus told Peter and his brother Andrew
to row their boat out to the deep water and let down their
nets for a catch. They obeyed Jesus and when they did that
caught so many fish their nets began to break. Peter knew it
was because of Jesus blessing his work. So, we like Peter
should confess our sins and say, "I am not worthy to have such
a good job and such wonderful success. God has blessed me and
made me a rich man!"
If we like that humbly praise God for our success in our
work, we show that we are a true Christian. But if we brag and
boast and look down on the poor, we do like the unbelievers.
Christians also share their success with others. Peter
did, verses 6-7. When they caught the many fish and their nets
were breaking Peter and Andrew waved to their friends, James and
John, in another boat to come and help them take in the fish. So,
if we are a true Christian, we will be glad to share success with
others who are not as successful as we are. God said to Abraham,
"I will bless you and you shall be a blessing to others." When
God blesses our work we will use our blessings to help those in
need. Unbelievers do not share their blessings with the needy.
They are stingy and selfish.
But you can show that you are a true Christian if you
remember that all your wealth comes from God and if you gladly
obey Him and share it with others whom He has not blessed in the
same way as He has blessed you. So, as we do our daily work we
show are faith if we believe in Jesus or not. May God help us
all to show others by our work that we are His children.