August's Sermons

Church Period: Trinity 6th Sunday After
Sermon Title: Are You A True Member Of Christ's Kingdom?
Sermon Date: July 21, 1968
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: Matthew 21:28-32

Dear Christian friends:

In our text Jesus talks about true members and false members in His Church or Kingdom. Many people belong to a church, but are all of them true believers? It is easy for us to be deceived by the devil or by our pride and self righteousness.

You know that only true members will be saved. Therefore it is very important for us to examine our hearts to see if we truly believe.

So let us attend to the text here and ask this important question:

Are You A True Member Of Christ's Kingdom?

In our text Jesus shows that a true member is one who loves God as his dear Father, and gladly obeys Him. Jesus tells the story about a Father who had two sons. Jesus asks: What do you think of this? A man had two sons. He went to the first son and said, "Son, go and work in the vineyard today." He answered, "No, I don't want to." But later he was sorry and changed his mind and went. The father went to the other son and told him the same thing. He answered, "I will sir," but didn't go.

Although he first said, "No!" to his father the first son later was sorry, and then went and obeyed. He remembered his kind and good father and was ashamed because he was lazy and said, "No" to his dear father. He really loved and honored his father and wanted to please him and serve him.

So, we are true members of God's Kingdom or Church if we really love God in our hearts, trust in Him and honor Him as our dear, and wonderful Father in heaven. He is our Maker our Keeper and the One who loved us and saved us from sin and hell because He gave His dear Son Jesus to die upon the cross for us. We really ought to have great love and honor for God our Father and gladly serve and obey Him.

But we are not true members if we do not love Him in our heart. The second son here shows that. He had the same name as the first son and the father was also his father. But he did not really love his father in his heart. He said, "Yes, sir!" when the father asked him to go work in the vineyard, but he didn't go. He thought he was smart and did not honor and respect his father's command. He thought his father was a fool, a sucker.

Here in the text Jesus tells the Jewish church members that they were like that. They said God was their Father and that they were His children. They belonged to the Church, but in their hearts they did not love God and honor Him or do His wishes.

Are you like that? You and I have joined God's church. Our name is listed in the Church record book. We have received baptism and confirmation and often we come to church and say and sing and pray. We act like we love Him. But do we really love Him in our heart? Do we try to serve Him and obey Him? Do we love others? Do we help the poor and the needy? Do we show mercy and kindness to those who sin against us and hurt us? Do we forgive them and make peace? Do we support our church and world mission work?

Every year we pledge and say, "Yes, sir, God." But do we keep our pledge. For five or six years now we have promised to give $2,000 for world mission work. Do we keep our promise? Or do we think the church is a sucker? Expect service and help when in trouble or when you want a baptism or marriage or shower or anniversary or funeral. But give little or nothing for the support of the Church or pastor? So often we are like that second son. We say, "Yes sir!" but then fail to do it.

Jesus told this story to the Pharisees so that they would wake up and see their wrong ways and be sorry and turn to Him again. Jesus even reminds them of how the tax collectors and prostitutes were sorry and their hearts were changed. They gave up their wrong and wicked life and loved God and obeyed Him like the first son.

God's power changes even robbers and prostitutes it can also change you and me. When God's Holy Spirit makes us ashamed and sorry and helps us to believe in Jesus our Savior, then we have a new heart. Then we are true members of His Kingdom.
