August's Sermons

Church Period: Trinity 6th Sunday After
Sermon Title: His Sheep
Sermon Date: July 2, 1967
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 10:23-30

Dear Christian friends:

To give us encouragement and comfort God uses various names for us in the Bible. He calls us "His children." Sometimes we are called the "body of Christ." He even calls us "the bride of Christ." "Holy nation" is another name. Here in our text Jesus calls us "His sheep."

When He calls us "His sheep" Jesus intends to give us great comfort and encouragement. We are afraid and often not eager to follow Him and serve Him. Many people do not believe in Jesus. We wonder, "Am I wrong?" Often we feel like quitting or giving up. So let us attend to Jesus' words here in our text and consider the beautiful name:

His Sheep

When Jesus was here on earth many Jewish people did not believe in Him. Only a few believed in Him. All the Jewish people heard about His wonderful works (miracles). They heard Him preach and teach that He was God's Son who came from heaven to die for the world to save man from his sins.

Although Jesus told them very clearly and showed them many miracles they did not believe. In our text we read how they gathered around Him and asked Him for more proof. Jesus answered, "I did tell you, but you don't believe Me. I did many wonderful works to prove to you who I am. More talk will not help you more proof will not help you. You don't believe Me because you are not my sheep. (verse 25)

That's a strange reason "you don't believe because you are not My sheep." What does Jesus mean? He means: You by yourself can't believe in Me. Nobody can believe in Me except God chooses him and leads him to faith by the Holy Spirit. God did not choose you to be My sheep and although you have heard the Good News about Me and have seen many wonderful works you still do not believe. You are not My sheep. My sheep listen to My voice and I know them, and they follow Me, and I give them everlasting life.

So it is today. Many people have heard God's Word about Jesus Christ. The Bible is still the best seller here in America. Many churches. Much preaching and teaching on radio and T.V. Billy Graham, The Lutheran Hour, This is the Life and others. But in spite of all that preaching and teaching and proof many do not believe. Same with the deaf.

When we see that we may become afraid and doubt about Jesus ourselves. We may feel like quitting church and give up our faith, or not be very eager in supporting church and missions. Don't be afraid. Don't think God's Word is weak. Maybe God has not chosen them to be Jesus' sheep. But all whom God chose before the world began all those are Jesus' sheep. When Jesus' voice calls them through baptism and the Good News they will hear and believe and follow Him. Jesus will give everlasting life to them. “Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” (Romans 8:30)

Why does God choose only a few? Why? Are the few better than the many? No! All are sinners. Paul says, "There is no difference" because all have sinned." We don't know. He has His reasons. He has not told us. But if you are Jesus' sheep, it is not because you are better than other sinners. In the Old Testament Jews thought that way. God said, "I did not choose you from among all the nations because you were better than other people, you were not, you were a stiff-necked people (stubborn)." He chose us to be Jesus' sheep only because of His great mercy and kindness. God says, "I will show mercy to whom I wish."

So if you believe in Jesus if you are one of His sheep, you have no reason to pat yourself on the back. We can only kneel before Him and praise His great mercy and kindness to us. He has saved us although we are sinners and unworthy. He has called us and lead us to faith although many others do not believe. He has opened our blind eyes and broken our stubborn hearts by His mighty Spirit.

So don't be discouraged if you see many people who do not believe. Jesus says, "Narrow is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life and few who find it; but broad is the gate and broad the way that leads to destruction and many who go in that way." (Matthew 7:13-14) Another time Jesus said, "God calls many, but chooses few." (Matthew 22:14)

So in these last days of the world when we see many stray away from Jesus and go again to the world let us not be afraid. When temptations come. When you are sick and dying and it seems like God has forsaken you , then remember these comfort giving words of Jesus: "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand." (John 10:27-28)
