Dear Christian friends:
Many leaders of the Christian Church are worried
because the percentage of Christians in the world yearly
becomes smaller. One man says if the present trend
continues by the year 2000 Christians will be only 2% of the
world population. Today Christians are 30% of the world
So we ask, why? Why are the believers becoming
smaller and smaller while unbelievers grow larger and larger?
Perhaps there are many answers to that question, but I
think we will find the best answer if we attend to our
bible text for today. Here Jesus tells us how He builds
His church and some important things about that.
If we see how Jesus builds His church on earth we
will also learn how we can help or how Jesus wants to use
us so that His church grows stronger. So let us attend
to our text and consider:
How Jesus Builds His Church
First, of all Jesus impresses upon us that His
church is built on a good, strong "foundation". Every good
building has a strong foundation. If the foundation is
weak the building will not stand long.
What kind of foundation? All agencies or institutions
are established on exact ideals: U.S. Government, "Government
(rule) of the people and for the people". That is the
"foundation" of our U.S. Government. It is a good and strong
foundation and so today still have a good and strong government
and country.
The Red Cross; the Cancer Society and others all have
a "foundation" or ideal upon which their organization is
established and built. So also the Christian Church has a
"foundation" upon which it is built. Jesus says to Peter,
"Upon this rock I will build my Church." "Rock"? What does
Jesus mean "Rock"? A little before verse 15 Jesus asked His
disciples, "Who do you say I am?" Peter answered, "You are
the promised Savior, the Son of the living God." (verse 16)
That is the foundation of the Christian Church, the
teaching or preaching that Jesus of Nazareth, son of Mary is
also the Son of God our Savior. So also St. Paul writes in
Ephesians 2:20, "You are built on the "foundation" of the
apostles and prophets and Christ Jesus Himself is the
And again he writes, "In His love God gave me a
work to do, and so as an expert master builder I laid a
foundation, and somebody else is building on it. Nobody can
lay any other foundation than the one that is Jesus Christ."
(1 Corinthians 3:11)
In the hymn before the choir sang: "The Church's one
foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord she (the Church) is His
new Creation by water and the Word. From heaven He came and
sought her to be His holy bride; With His own blood He bought
her and for her life He died." So that beautiful, wonderful
teaching about Jesus the Savior of sinners is the foundation
of the Christian Church.
As St. Paul did, so we must build the Church on that
foundation. We must be eager to teach and preach and witness
to others about Jesus, God's Son our Savior. Then the Church
will grow strong and flourish. Jesus said, "I will give to
you the keys of the kingdom of heaven." What is that? Again
that key is preaching Jesus to sinners, forgiving those who
believe and not forgiving those who do not believe. (Verse 19)
If the Christian Church today is becoming smaller and
weaker it is because we the members are not building on the
one true foundation. Are we hearing that good news of Jesus
often enough ourselves? Do we believe it and find great joy,
comfort and hope in it? Are we eager to share our Jesus
with others? Or are we afraid to tell others? Are we cheap
about supporting our church and giving for world missions? A
few days ago I received a letter from Dr. Arnold Meyer. (Show
it and read parts of it.)
So lets remember Jesus' words here about how He builds
His Church and makes it grow and flourish. And for our comfort
He adds: "The powers of hell will not overpower it."
The Church has many enemies, powers of hell Satan and
all who do not believe in Jesus Christ. False ministers, too,
who say that Jesus did not come from heaven and who deny the
resurrection of the body etc.
Let us not be afraid or worry, but take up our work.
Let God use us to build His Church.