Dear Christian friends:
The Holy Christian Church has many enemies. Some
are outside the Church; and are easy to see: communists,
atheists, and all non-Christian churches. Non-Christian
churches are: Jehovah Witness, Mormons, Unity, Christian
Science, Muslims, Hindus and Jews and others. We also
have enemies inside the Church, false preachers. They
have the name Christian robes and books and authority,
but they teach not the true Word of God.
In our text Jesus warns about false preachers in
the church and He makes each one of you responsible to
judge whether your pastor is a true preacher or a false
Christians Must Judge Their Pastor
This is true. Jesus says, "Beware of false prophets,
which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are
ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits.
(verses 15-16) With these words Jesus gives the responsibility
to every Christian. He expects each one to judge his pastor.
Very often church members think and say, "I can't
judge my pastor. I don't know if he is teaching true or
false. He is wiser than I am. He studied many years in
college and knows the Bible very well. I can't argue with
him." But that does not excuse you. You must not let his
college degree frighten you. Jesus expects you to judge
him. Faith is your own responsibility. No one else can judge
or believe for you. You must decide! John also writes,
"Beloved, believe not every spirit (preacher), but try the
spirits whether they be of God or not." (1 John 4:1) Paul
praised the Bereans because they looked in the Scriptures
to see if what he preached agreed with that.
Don't be deceived by "the sheep's clothing." Jesus
says, "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's
clothing." What is the "sheep's clothing?" The pastor's
office or call. "Rev" does not prove he is a true pastor.
Outward piety can also be sheep's clothing. May
appear holy; praying all the time; shocked and surprised
to see sin. Not drink; not go to movies; not smoke. But
all his holy talk and holy deeds do not prove he is a true
Great talents may also be his "sheep's clothing."
Wise, smart man. Sharp, interesting speaker. Many flock
to hear or see him. Oral Roberts is a sharp speaker, but
he is a false one. And I know others.
Well how can we judge? By their fruits you must
judge them. Jesus says, "By their fruits you shall know
(judge) them," know if they are true or false.
What is the fruit of a pastor? His doctrine or
teaching, that's his fruit. What he says and teaches
and preaches about God and Jesus Christ, about sin and
forgiveness, about heaven and hell.
The one chief doctrine by which you can judge is
the doctrine about Jesus Christ. John says, "Beloved
believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they
are of God. Here is how you know the spirit of God: Every
spirit (preacher) that confesses that Jesus Christ is come
in the flesh is of God (good, true teacher) and every
spirit (teacher) that confesses not that Jesus Christ is
come in the flesh is not of God." (1 John 4:1-3)
Many great preachers and also some Lutheran doubt
this teaching or deny it. They say Jesus was not born of
a virgin. Jesus is only a great man; He is not God or God's
only begotten Son."
So this is the chief doctrine by which you must
judge your pastor. What does he preach and teach about
Jesus Christ. Whose Son is He? Did He die and rise on the
third day for our sins? If your pastor teaches that Jesus
is the eternal Son of God, God in the flesh, born of the
Virgin Mary and that He died for our sins and rose again on
the third day He is a true pastor. So don't be fooled by a
pastor's "sheep's clothing"; judge him by what he preaches
and teaches.
And it helps if you yourself read and study your
Bible more. Then you will be more sure and stronger in
faith yourself and nobody will be able to deceive you.
Your eternal welfare depends on it, so beware! Not
only beware of dogs, but beware of false preachers. A mad
dog can only bite your leg and give some pain for a short
time. But a false preacher can lead you to hell. God help
us all to be watchful and stay true to His Word in the Bible.