Dear Christian friends:
Today many people in our country are asking "why"
Why do we kill so many leaders in America? Some people
answer because we are a violent nation and it appears to
be true. In one year the United States has 6,000 murders
while West Germany, England and France have below 100.
But why? If you read the paper this morning you will find
some answers. Our movies, T.V. programs always the man
who is tough and uses force and guns. "Have Gun Will Travel"
"Fastest Gun In the West" When we honor and respect force
and guns and people who break the laws it is not surprising
that we are a violent nation.
Many people agree that our nation is in grave danger,
and we can lose our freedoms. But maybe it is not too late.
President Johnson has declared this Sunday a National Day of
Mourning. Surely we feel sorry for the Kennedy family in
their great loss and we pay our respects. But is that all?
No! Robert Kennedy will not have died for nothing if we
today think about our national and personal sins and confess
them and look to God for mercy and help. Although God has
let our nation suffer a terrible thing again, He is very
merciful and ready to forgive and help.
Today is Trinity Sunday. By Trinity we mean the
three in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Trinity
shows the great love and mercy of God for sinners. Our text
today tells us that God is very kind and forgives sins. He
is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Let us today consider our
text and
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost!
In our text Jesus says, "Baptize in the name of the
Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost." Preach forgiveness
of sins wash away sins in the name of the true God: The
Father loved us sinners and sent His Son to die for us; the
Son obeyed the Father even unto death, the shameful death on
the cross; He arose again and ascended into heaven; then He
sent the Holy Ghost to teach us and urge us to believe and
not doubt. Don't excuse sins; don't hide sins; don't try to
forget them through drinking or hard work; confess honestly
to God and believe that He still loves you and forgives
you. Love God and obey Him as dear children. He is your
heavenly Father. That's what the Holy Ghost says to us today
when we hear the Gospel.
So today we ought to listen about the Trinity,
Father, Son and Holy Ghost. We must study our hearts and
thoughts and look back on our past deeds, and confess our
sins. Although we are the richest nation on earth we are
very selfish and greedy and still have many poor in our
country. As a nation we have not done right to the Negro,
Indians and others. We better wake up and be sorry and
As a church we have not done what God commands.
Here in our text Jesus commands His Church: "Go and make
disciples of all people." That means support church; tell
your friends and neighbors about Jesus and invite them to
be baptized. Support missions.
Do we obey Jesus' command? Few of us do a little
bit, but we should be doing much better. One of our members
recently bought a new boat and motor. It cost him $70.00 a
month. How much a month does he give for church and
missions? Less than $10.00 a month. Many of us are doing
like that. We don't care about anyone else except ourselves.
But if we will today wake up and be sorry and confess
our sins and change our ways God will be merciful and kind.
He will forgive and help us. Although He has terribly
punished our nation these past few years He will forgive and
save our land and our souls if we are sorry and trust and
hope in Him.
So let us believe and hope in Him. He alone can
change us and help us. Let us praise our wonderful God.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts;
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.