Dear Christian friends:
You of the Confirmation Class are much like the
disciples in our text. You are finishing your first
period of training in Jesus' Word and work. That was true
of the disciples who had gathered on the mountain in
Galilee. They had followed Jesus for three years while He
taught them many things about God's kingdom.
They had seen Him suffer and die on the cross on
Good Friday. They saw Him alive on Easter and now a short
time later meet Him here on the mountain in Galilee. They
have finished their first, basic training. Jesus will
ascend to heaven in a few days. So now He sends them to
teach and preach and baptize. They were disciples. Now
they are apostles.
You of the Confirmation Class have studied for two
years in confirmation class and several years before that.
All this time you have been disciples (followers and
learners). Now it is time for you to become apostles, to
teach others and help others to know the Savior Jesus.
Don't think you are finished with Jesus and His Kingdom
because you are confirmed today. You are promoted to more
responsibility to accept more mature work and duty in Jesus'
Church. For this you will need to study God's Word more and
more and go to church regularly and to the Lord's Supper
To encourage his disciples to take up their new
responsibilities Jesus has a last word for them before He
ascends into heaven. It is a very important last word. It
helped the first disciples very much. It can help you too.
Jesus' Last Word To His Church
First, He tells them that He has all power, which
God the Father has given to Him. Why? Because He obeyed
the Father and came to earth from heaven and died on the
cross to take away all our sins. "Therefore God very highly
exalted Him and gave Him a name which is above every name,
that before the name JESUS every knee should bow and every
tongue confess that He, Jesus Christ, is Lord."
(Philippians 2:9-11)
Jesus is our Lord. We must listen to Him. Woe to
any one who refuses to listen to Jesus Christ and believe
in Him and obey Him. He only is Savior. He only is Helper.
If we defy Him we are lost. We owe Him worship, love, praise,
honor and devotion and we must cheerfully gladly listen to
Him and do what He tells us.
What does our great, wonderful Lord Jesus tell us?
His last command is, "Make disciples of all people". That
means we are to go and try hard to win many people in every
nation to faith in Jesus Christ. How? He says, Go and
Baptize, Go and teach. Baptize in whose name? Teach in
whose name? Teach Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Teach the
Holy Trinity. Today is Trinity Sunday.
When Jesus was baptized by John in the Jordan River
the Father said from a bright cloud, "this is My beloved Son,
I am very much pleased with Him. Then we read that the
Holy Spirit came down on Jesus in the dove.
The Father loved us and sent His Son to live and
die for us on the cross. "God so loved the world that
He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in
Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)
At Christmas we remember how wonderfully the Father
loved us and gave His Son through Mary. She laid Him in the
manger of Bethlehem. During Lent and Holy Week, Good Friday,
and Easter we remember the Son, Jesus: How he loved the Father
and us and obeyed and died, then arose with glory and victory
on Easter day.
The Holy Spirit came on Pentecost to the first
disciples. He comes to us today and teaches us to believe and
trust in Jesus. No man can believe in Jesus without the Holy
Spirit. He is our teacher from God.
These things we must teach and preach to people here
at home and in all nations. That means for us to work and
help and pray. It means to support our home church, Synod
and Missions. This is hard work. Only a few active church
workers. Many are sitters and beggars and sleepers. There
are two thousand deaf in Minneapolis and St. Paul. Only
about one hundred active members.
Sometime you will be alone. You will feel to give
up. Sometimes people will laugh at you and mock you! They
will say, "You are stupid because you work hard for church
and support it. Don't let that bother you! Don't give up.
The wicked unbelievers want you to quit. The devil wants
you to get fed up with church.
So Jesus says another last word of comfort to you,
"I am with you always." He will comfort you and encourage
you and support you. You never walk alone when you obey
Him and do His work.
I have found that true in my life. Sometimes I in
the past felt like quitting. But always Jesus came to
comfort me and encourage me. He always sent someone to
help when I thought there was no help.
Jesus never fails! That is His last Word to you.
I hope you will always remember Matthew 28:18-20 all your