Dear Christian friends:
Deuteronomy 4:39 Know and think about this today: the Lord is God both
in heaven and on earth - there is no other God."
Today we think about how good and wonderful our God is. Our God is the
Three-In-One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We think about the Father
who loved this sinful world so much that He gave His only Son to saves
sinners like us. We look back to Christmas and remember how God let His
Son be born from the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit. We
think about the Baby lying in the manger, about the angel announcing the
good news to the shepherds: "Fear not, for behold I bring you glad tidings
of great joy which shall be to all people: for unto you is born
this day in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord!" We
think about the Son, Jesus, who loved the Father and us and obeyed the
Father, accepting our human nature and our sins, and dying on the cross
for us and for all people. We think about Good Friday and Easter and
Ascension. We think about the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy
Trinity. Last Sunday was Pentecost Sunday and we rejoiced because Jesus
kept His promise and poured out His Spirit upon the first disciples,
giving them new life and power to do His work, fishing for men. We heard
how we, too, can have the Spirit's power and joy and fish for men.
I have now in a few words explained about our wonderful Triune God, Father,
Son and Holy Spirit. What more can I say to you today? I like to say
what our text says: "Know and think about this today: the Lord is God
both in heaven and on earth - there is no other God."
The Only True God
We have a wonderful God who has shown Himself to us in the Holy Trinity.
He is the only true God! "There is no other God" our text says. That
means that we must have no other Gods.
We today are not tempted to bow down to idols made of wood, stone or gold
as Israel was tempted. We know that idols are dumb and foolish and can't
hear our prayers. But we are tempted to love and worship money and perhaps
people. If we love and trust and respect money or men as we should
only love and trust God, then money or a man can become our god. We say
that we love and trust God, but really we often love and trust our money
or friend or doctor or lawyer. Money has become our god or a man has
become our god and we do not even realize it. We still go to church
regularly and pray every day, but that is only a habit. We not really
love and trust God to feed us and protect us. We trust our money and
Social Security and Medicare and Medical. Is money bad? No! Money is good
and helps our work and business or trade. Money is very handy. But the
Bible says, "The love for money is the root of all evil." (1 Timothy 6:10)
Money itself is good, but when we love money and depend on it as we should
love and depend on God that is bad! And when we refuse to use our money
as the Bible teaches we show that money is really our god, not the Lord.
Here is another way we have another god:
When you think about going to heaven or not which gives you more comfort:
your good works or your faith in Jesus? Often when I ask someone, "Will
you go to heaven when you die?" he or she answers, "Yes, I go to church
every Sunday. I don't steal. I don't cheat." Such persons trust their
good works, not God. They have another god, not the Lord, the Holy
Trinity! We may not be aware of this, but all of us do this again and
And here is a third way we often have another god:
When you have big trouble or heavy burden in your life, what do you do?
Where do you seek for comfort and support: do you curse and despair or
do you have "the Holy Spirit's grace, kindness, goodness, joy, the peace
of Christ, a happy face?"
The Lord, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is God - there is no other!
Don't let money and other things or persons deceive you and lead you away
from this One, true God! Confess that you often have money and other
things for your God. Trust in Him to forgive you in Jesus' name.
The Lord is God - there is no other, so serve Him!
Confess that God the Father is your Maker and Keeper and that you are His
servant (steward). The wisest man, King Solomon says, "Honor the Lord by
giving Him the first part of all your income: Then He will fill your
barns with wheat and barley and your wine vats will overflow with the
finest wines." (Proverbs 3:9) Give thanks to Him and praise His name
as King David did in Psalm 100: "Serve the Lord with gladness; come
before Him with singing. Know ye that the Lord is God: it is He that hath
made us, and not we make ourselves, we are His people and the sheep of
His pasture. Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His house
with praise: thank Him and praise His name."
Confess that Jesus is your Savior, who died on the cross for your sins!
Confess your wrongs and sins daily. Come to the Holy Supper often.
Remember your baptism in Jesus' name! Be kind and merciful to others who
sin against you and do wrong to you. Support world missions as your Lord
commands in the Gospel for today. (Matthew 28:16-20)
Let the Holy Spirit lead you! Don't follow the evil desires of your
sinful heart! You are no more slaves to sin and Satan! Jesus has made you
free! Free to follow His Spirit. You are the dear children of God as
Paul says in the Epistle lesson: "God gave you His Holy Spirit. And His
Spirit doesn't make you slaves, and you should not be afraid of God. The
Holy Spirit makes you God's children and He helps you cry out to God,
Father, My Father." (Romans 8:15)
"Know and think about this today: the Lord is God both in heaven and on
earth - there is no other God." So love Him and serve Him only!