August's Sermons

Church Period: Trinity Sunday, 1st Sunday After Pentecost
Sermon Title: The Mystery Of God
Sermon Date: June 10, 1979
Rev. August Hauptman
Sermon Text: John 3:1-17

Dear Christian friends:

Today, I intend to preach about the mystery of God. What is a mystery? We hear people say, "That is a mystery to me." They mean, "I don't understand that." We sign mystery,"hidden truth." We know its true and real but we cannot explain how it works. Scientists and doctors say, "Life is a mystery." We know that animals and men are alive, but we do not know how to make a living creature. We cannot even make a worm. Only God can make a living creature. Man can make wonderful machines, but he cannot make an animal or a man or an insect. He can only make a robot. Yes, life is a mystery. So is God Himself! St. Paul says that God is a mystery.

Today is Trinity Sunday when all Christians consider the nature of God. He is 3 in 1, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Although we can't understand the Trinity, it is important for us to know that God is three persons in one, and to believe in Him or we cannot be saved. The Bible teaches that the only true God is the Triune God and in Him alone is salvation for sinners.

In our text, Jesus teaches Nicodemus about the Triune God. So let us attend to our text and consider:

The Mystery Of God

Although, we cannot understand God, we Christians believe in Him, trust Him, love Him and serve Him.

Many people do not believe in God because they cannot understand Him. The teaching about one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit seems foolish and strange to them. Also, our own natural mind and reason despises that teaching and is not interested in that. The Bible says, "The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to Him." So Nicodemus here in our text thought Jesus' teaching about God was foolish. Jesus told him that he must "be born again," or he could not see the kingdom of God. Nicodemus argued with Jesus and mocked Him: "How can a man be born again after he is old? Can he enter his mother's womb a second time and be born?" (verse 4)

Some of you laugh at Nicodemus because the Holy Spirit has already given new birth to you — you now have spiritual light and understanding. But perhaps others of you see nothing funny in Nicodemus' question. His question seems logical and good to you. So you will find and hear many good and reasonable arguments in the world against the Holy Trinity and other teachings of the Bible. Many ministers and churches do not believe the teaching about the Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Mormons, the Jehovah's Witnesses, The Christian Scientists, the Muslims and many others do not believe in the Triune God.

Men born only once of flesh cannot accept such strange and wonderful things as God's Word teaches. Jesus told Nicodemus: "You must be born again of water and of the Spirit." (verse 5)

When we hear about the Triune God and receive baptism in His name, we are born again and have new life. Here in our text, Jesus told Nicodemus about the wonderful Triune God and His work of salvation. Jesus says that God, His Father, loved the world and sent Him here on earth to save the world. (verses 16-17) Jesus also tells Nicodemus about the mysterious work of the Holy Spirit to give new birth and new life. Jesus compares the working of the Holy Spirit with the wind. (verses 7-8). We can feel the wind and see it bend the trees and the grasses, but we cannot understand it and we cannot control it. So with the Holy Spirit of God, we feel the peace and joy He brings to our hearts and we see the wonderful results of His work in ourselves and in other Christians. We do not understand how He works and why He chooses one and not another. The wind blows where it wants to and so does the Holy Spirit of God.

So let us put aside our proud natural reason and like children accept the clear teaching of Jesus here in our text. Let us confess our ignorance and pride and humbly kneel before our wonderful mysterious God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Perhaps then the Holy Spirit will come to us, giving us new birth and new life in Jesus Christ and bless us with many of His precious gifts and talents.

When you travel through the state of Kentucky, you find many caves. One of them is named DEEP RIVER CAVE. This cave is not as large as some of the others and the rock formations are not as beautiful as some of the other caves but it has one very interesting and unique thing. When you enter Deep River Cave, you hear the roar of water. You descend about 200 steps and there before your feet rushes the turbulent stream. The guide shows you the wall of rock from which the water flows and then he points into the darkness and tells you that the river flows for about one mile through the cave and then disappears beneath another stone wall.

The guide tells you that nobody knows where the river comes from or where it flows to. You kneel down and dip a cupful of water, pure and refreshing. You enjoy the invigorating drink. Then you stand there amazed at the mystery of Deep River, flowing by from mystery to mystery.

Our salvation is like that river. Its source and its end are hidden in God. It flows into the world, giving all men an opportunity to drink and live.

God is a mystery. You do not need to understand Him; you only need to believe Him and rejoice in Him and serve Him. He has shown Himself to us in part: One God in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Full with blessing is the Holy Triune God. He is One! Let us give glory to Him, because He shows mercy to us. O Lord, Your name is wonderful in all the earth!
